5 The Resistance

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The intimate encounter with Itto had given you an unexpected warmth. You'd had a few partners before, but none could compare to what you'd just experienced.
As you made your way down the dark, empty beach your mind was filled with the memory of his touch, how warm his skin had felt, and how his body had pressed against yours with a deep, sensual pressure.
The euphoria faded quickly and each step felt heavier than the last when you thought about what you were leaving behind. Every soldier left behind loved ones, it was part of the job. But this felt like leaving a part of yourself behind.
Was it just lust? You wondered. It felt like more. You thought back to the battle on the coast, how you'd closed your eyes in defeat expecting to perish and be washed away by tide. You had a vague memory of Itto scooping you out of the slowly rising water. You remembered how he'd rushed to your side to defend you from the hilichurls in the woods, how excited he had been to hunt beetles with you, and how gentle and patient he was while you recovered from your injuries.
That was what you loved most about him. Beneath his loud, energetic, and intimidating demeanor, was an eternally patient and tender Oni that would do anything for those he loved. In fact, it felt like his impatience in all other areas of life was due to the sheer amount he gave to his friends and family when they were troubled.
The next step you took was agony, and you slowed to a stop. Hadn't you already paid your dues? You nearly died for this rebellion and now you had a chance of love and life and you were going to squander it by signing up to die again.
The war felt so hopeless. The front line was creeping further back as the unrelenting Tenryou Commission soldiers pushed the resistance's skill in strategy and combat to the limit.
You hung your head low, ashamed at the choice you were about to make. You just couldn't do it. You couldn't return to that hopeless life. In your heart, it felt like choosing to die.
Before you knew it you were sprinting back down the beach toward the hidden cave. Whatever your future held, you felt in the deepest parts of your soul that Itto needed to be a part of it.
You skidded to a halt before the metal gate and gripped the bars, rattling them with all your strength. You wanted to shout out his name, but that would be unwise given the cave was meant to be hidden.
It wasn't long before you saw Itto emerge from within. He quickly pulled the mechanism and the gate rolled up. You threw yourself into his arms and he held you tightly, as though afraid you would float away.
"I can't do it." You sobbed into his chest. "I can't leave you."
He cupped your face in his hands and curled his fingers into your hair.
"It's okay." He said softly and then he pressed his lips against yours with a desperate force.
Shinobu surfaced from the ladder behind Itto. Her face moved from shocked to relieved and she placed a hand on your shoulder with an understanding expression.
You flushed a little, pulled away from Itto, and swiftly dried your lips with the back of your hand. Shinobu pretended she saw nothing and you offered her a silent praise in your mind.
You wanted to run to Oni Baba and let her know you'd be staying, but it was late and you didn't want to disturb her sleep.
After the gate was closed and locked down once more, Shinobu retired for the night; she had made herself a crude bed in the dining area from some planks and a bedroll.
Itto followed you to your cozy abode, down the small chasm, ducking under the half collapsed entrance, until you reached the fox shrine.
You laid your bedroll down before the shrine and unpacked your blankets. Itto fumbled about, helping to set the bed up. In a few minutes you'd unpacked everything you needed and the bed was made.
Itto kneeled beside the bedroll and pulled back the covers. "Here you go, you're probably pretty tired."
You were exhausted. But you weren't ready to bid goodnight to him yet. You untied your kimono jacket, folded it, and placed it on your backpack. You noticed Itto's eyes trailing down to your obi.
You took his hand and encouraged him to pull the knot free. The kimono fell open, revealing you to him.
He glanced up to you eyes. "Can I-?" He began, and you nodded before he could finish.
Itto pulled off his kimono in a swift manouvere, then pulled you into an embrace. The feel of his body touching yours was exhilarating. You bowed your shoulders as he freed you from your kimono.
You let your hand trail up his thigh to his erection and then ran your thumb along the shaft through his fundoshi (undergarments.) He made a soft moan and pulled your body closer.
You gripped the erection tighter and gave it a few strokes. Itto responded by grabbing you around the waist and gently rolling you onto the blankets. He hooked his knee under yours and spread your legs, placing himself between them. He held himself over your body with one hand while the other undid his fundoshi and cast it aside.
His cock, now freed, was resting on your groin. You gently gripped it and rubbed the tip with your thumb, spreading the pre-cum like a lubricant.
Itto lowered himself to lightly rest upon your body, then whispered in your ear, "I want to be inside you."
Your heart fluttered and your skin flushed red. You nodded and released him. He ran his fingers over your opening and gently rubbed it. You tightened your legs around him and tried not to make a sound, lest it echo through the cavern.
Itto rubbed the tip of his cock on your opening, teasing you. He leaned in and took your lips in his. You felt a tingle through your body as his tongue slid into your mouth.
You tangled your fingers into his hair, deepening the kiss. His cock slowly slid inside you and you gasped. He lightly bit your lower lip and released it as he thrust deeper within you. You tightened your walls in response and Itto made a breathy moan. His hips rolled into yours and he began to rhythmically fuck you.
Your night had started with sombre goodbyes, then moved to hot sex on the beach, you had almost abandoned the oni you maybe loved, and finally returned to be fucked again. The whirlwind of emotions you felt were quashed by waves of pleasure.
Itto's fierce thrusts made you ache for more and you felt your climax approaching. He seemed close because his speed picked up and he hooked his arms under yours, propping himself on his elbows.
You savoured the moment. The weight of his body against yours, his breath in your ear, and the feel of him within you. Then came the explosive peak of pleasure, your body shuddered as Itto rode out the orgasm.
He wobbled a bit on his elbows and finally collapsed into you. Then with a breathy apology he rolled to the side.
"It's okay. I can handle your weight." You said with a light laugh. "Actually, it's kind of comforting."
Although a little hesitant, Itto returned to his previous position, only a little lower, docking his hips below your groin and resting his head on your chest.
You combed your fingers through his hair, pulling it away from his sweat dampened face. From this position you could see the red paint of his horns was ever so slightly chipping away. His horns were his pride, and you worried that this was the result of his recently lost vision.
You reached toward his horns but pulled back as he lifted his head to look at you.
"Maybe it's selfish, but I'm glad you decided to stay." He said, then paused in thought. "Maybe we can get the gang together and think of ways to help the resistance from here?"
You bit back tears, the emotions you'd been pushing down were threatening to break through. It was a mix of guilt and overwhelming affection for this oni.
"I wouldn't want to put you and Oni Baba in more danger." You said solemnly.
Itto hoisted himself up into a seated position, pulling you up with him. He pulled your legs around him and lifted you into his lap, crossing his legs around you. Sitting like this, your eyes were only just level with his collarbones.
"Well, wasn't it also dangerous for you to stay with Baba and I? I mean, a rebel soldier with a vision holder, hah. And I'm not a low profile guy. Sure it's a risk, but that's what friends do for each other. That's why we have Shinobu with us now."
You wanted to selfishly accept his help, but you felt your quota for selfish decisions was well and truly filled already. "Harbouring a vision holder is one thing, but actively aiding the rebellion could get you killed!"
Itto furrowed his brows in thought.
You brushed your nose against his affectionately. "Look, we'll talk about it tomorrow, yeah? For now I'd really like to get some sleep, if I'm honest." As soon as you'd said it, you could feel the crushing weariness in your bones.
Itto looked at you with concerned eyes but sighed and said, "Alright then. It has been a big night. Here-" he stood with you and steadied you on your feet. He gathered your clothes and helped you dress. /> When the two of you were dressed again you said, "you're welcome to sleep here tonight, but you might need to bring another bedroll."
You had barely finished your sentence before he'd slipped on his shoes and said, "I'll go get mine!"
When he returned he had a bedroll tucked under one arm, a blanket over his shoulders, and a bottle of water.
You hadn't noticed how thirsty you were until you'd guzzled down a good portion of the water. Itto made his bed beside yours, slipped his kimono back off, and joined you under the blankets.
It was the best sleep you'd had since you'd left Watatsumi to join the rebellion.

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