8 New Beginnings

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The skies were clear and the streets of Inazuma bustled with a renewed vigor.
Akira, Mamoru, and Genta were waiting anxiously, in the district of Hanamizaka, for you and Itto to arrive. You'd spend the weekend helping Oni Baba set up their new home.
Itto made a shushing signal to you and darted down an alley. Soon after he reappeared behind his friends and cried out, "Boo!"
They just about jumped out of their kimonos in shock, then shouted in unison, "Boss!"
You smiled at their cheery reunion. It was the most energetic you'd seen Itto since he'd lost his vision.
You were making the trip to the central business district of Inazuma to finally retrieve his stolen vision. When you came upon the large statue before Tenshukaku, The Arataki gang worked together to locate his vision. It was fitted down the very bottom of the statue; depicting Omnipresent God. One last slight from Koujo Sara, no doubt.
He dusted off his vision and clipped it onto his collar. You could almost feel the energy returning to him. Now that he was whole again, you could see just how somber his attitude the last few months had been.

If you'd had any Mora on you you would have treated them to a meal at the Komore Teahouse. Instead, the five of you decided to pick some fresh lavender melons and roast them over a bonfire; at the outskirts of the city.
You thought you could never eat another lavender melon again after the amount you'd consumed in that cave. But, they tasted sweet when being eaten over a fire with friends, all while relishing in your well-earned freedom.

As the day began to sink below the horizon you packed up, poured water over the fire, and headed back to Hanamizaka. Mamoru, Akira, and Genta bid the two of you farewell and you let your thoughts wander as you made your way home with Itto.

Oni Baba's old home had been left empty after she and Itto had been forced to leave. Some of Itto's belongings had remained behind, hidden in boxes above the ceiling.
When you'd first arrived Itto had excitedly lead you to his bedroom. He'd flung the door open, taken down his boxes, and given you a full tour, like a kid showing off their treasures. There was a deck of Genius Invocation cards stored in his wardrobe, a wood carved onikabuto that was crudely painted by Itto, a beautifully illustrated comic book about an Oni detective, and an excessive amount of shiny rocks, among many other trinkets.
"I'm surprised nothing was stolen while you were gone." You had remarked while flicking through the comic.
"Hah, nobody would steal from the Oni King!" Itto had huffed, proudly. "Well, maybe Baba had something to do with it, too. The locals might not agree with her taking me in, but she's been here her whole life and they respect her."
You frowned and placed the comic back into its case.  "People really take issue with you just because you're a yokai? Aren't there other yokai here?"
Itto pulled you into a quick embrace, almost sweeping you off your feet. "Not everyone down hard for Oni, like you." He teased, deflecting from the solemn tone.
You pulled his arms tighter around you and leaned into his chest. "They're missing out."


Upon your return home, you slumped into an old couch in the common area.
Oni Baba had collected rations from the Police Station; the Tenryou commission had been supplying them to assist with the resettling of those affected by the Sakoku Decree. Baba had used it to cook a delicious batch of Udon noodles topped with freshly boiled eggs and spring onions.
You and Itto ate ravenously, despite having just consumed enough melons to last a lifetime. It was just nice to be eating something different.
You went to bed with a fully belly and heart. But, something was missing. You thought of your fellow resistance members and how they were faring back on Watatsumi Island, and your family who were awaiting your return. You decided you would write to them tomorrow, and maybe pick up some odd jobs around town to earn the Mora to post the letters.
It was a surreal feeling to know that just two months ago you'd been staring down death on the battlefield again, and then there you were in the enemy's capital city.
You sat up quickly, anxiety crept it's way into your blood and stung at your chest. You roused Itto from his sleep.
"Mm? What's wrong?" He said groggily.
"I can't sleep." You replied vaguely. You felt a little guilty for waking him, but your thoughts felt like they were about to spiral to a dark place.
Itto rubbed his eyes and propped himself up on his side. He reached out for your hand and you took his with both of yours. You ran your fingertips down his thick hands and to the points of his claws. They were thick, black, and curled down like a bird's talons. Desperately distracting yourself, you gazed closer at the point where his claws merged with the tips of his finger bones.
You remembered a pet bird you'd once had. If you were to cut the talons too far back they would bleed, because they were a part of the bone within. It's what made them so sturdy.
Itto followed your gaze and curled a finger around your own, grazing it lightly with his claw. "Pretty cool, aren't they?"
You smiled, "they really are. I think they're my favourite part of you."
He laughed heartily and then whispered suggestively, "really, that's your favourite part?"
"I can have more than one favourite part." You said with a feigned pout. You moved your hand to his lips and said, "I like these, too," and then to his horns, "and these–"
He blushed as you gently stroked one of his horns. They weren't particularly sensitive, but it felt like an intimate gesture. He didn't let anyone touch his horns.
You dropped your hands to his chest and groped his pecs playfully, "–and these."
He sucked in a short breath from the contact and placed his free hand over yours. You felt a slight tug as he willed you to move lower. You obeyed and let your fingers brush down over his abs until you reached his undergarments.
Itto released your hand and you slipped it under his garments. His cock was beginning to stiffen. You massaged the shaft to encourage it, then began to rhythmically stimulate it.
Itto pulled you into a passionate kiss. His hands explored your body, but you kept him above the waist. In that moment, you wanted to focus on his pleasure. You soaked in his gentle moans and quickened breath. He wanted as much of your bare skin touching his as possible.
You undid his undergarments and freed his cock, then quickened your pace. He gripped you tighter and shuddered as he reached his climax, his seed spilled into your hand and over your body. His face was glazed over with pleasure, his chest heaved.
You kissed him, unwound your undergarment, and used it to clean up.
Itto impatiently tossed the garment onto the floor and rolled you onto your back. He was more forceful than usual; more passionate. He ran his tongue up your neck and kissed it, trailing his way down your collarbones and eventually to your nipple. The sensation of his tongue over such a sensitive area was overwhelming.
You tangled your fingers in his hair and gave a gentle tug. He growled softly and hoisted you into a seated position on his lap.
His erection had returned, ready for round two. With the aid of both your natural bodily fluids, he slicked your entrance and guided you onto his cock.
You rocked your hips into his and stifled a moan. He was so deep within you at this angle, you felt full as you clenched your walls around him.
You took ahold of his horns and used them to steady yourself. "Does this hurt?" You asked.
"Not if I help." Itto took some of your weight in his arms. He moved you back and forth with ease, grinding his hips into your own. His legs were wrapped around you, and yours around him, your bodies pressed together in a heated dance.
You felt your climax approaching and began to move faster. With surprising speed, Itto dropped you on your back, readjusted himself, and began pumping into you at a fierce pace. Your whole body spasmed as pleasure wracked through you, you arced your back and bit your hand to stifle the sound you wanted to cry out.
You felt Itto's climax soon after. He dropped onto you, deflated, propped up slightly by his elbows at either side of your neck.
"That probably wasn't the best way to help you sleep." Itto chuckled.
"Hah, believe it or not, it helped." You said with a grin. "My mind has been heavy, and you definitely distracted me from my thoughts."
"What- oh I guess I probably shouldn't ask." Itto frowned in thought, then gave you a soft kiss. "I'll get some water to clean up. Just let me know if you want to stay up and chat, yea?"
You nodded. "Thank you."
You had drifted to sleep before Itto returned.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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