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"Deep below remnant, the endless chittering echoes on, and on. In the pitch black caverns, they gather, and infest any hole or space big enough to fit in. Rat-men, or Skaven as the No-furs call them. Horrible creatures they are, who seek to gnaw at the roots of the world. To crush, enslave, eat, or simply kill anyone who isn't a true Chosen of the Great Horned Rat. When the gods made Remnant, they made a mistake. Wiping humanity off the world for a time, leaving Ozpin and Salem. They left all animals alone, leaving them to their own devices. Without humans as the top of the animal-kingdom, everything else fought for the top. As time passed, so did the evolutionary capabilities of the predecessors of the Skaven themselves. What was once small and vulnerable rodents turned into man-sized rats, with the intelligence of a human being. During humanity's rise back from near extinction, the Skaven watched. They didn't allow humankind to fully assess the danger the Skaven truly possessed. However, the massive Under-Empire had a slip-up every now and again. At the Battle of Forever Fall in the Great War, Clan Vrrtkin mistakenly believed the battle was over, and begin to loot the dead bodies from both sides. An entire regiment of Mistral soldiers stumbled upon them and watched in terror as the skaven threw multiple globes of poison gas. As the soldiers screamed and then died horrible deaths, choking as their lungs filled with blood. The Vrrtkin bombardiers barely had time to escape back into their burrows as the rest of the Mistral's 2nd army discovered the fresh bodies. Thankfully the commander had no time to investigate as a Vacuo squadron opened fire at them. Clan Vrrtkin was one of many clans who almost gave away the existence of the Skavendom itself. Clan Morbus was close to being discovered when Schnee Dust miners dug right into their Hell Pit Abomination's lair. The SDC dismissed the report as the miners having spent to much time underground, even though a few dozen workers went missing. The Council of 13 keep an iron "paw" when it comes to clans getting overly confident with Mankind. They will reveal themselves, when the Horned Rat wishes them to. However, with the recent events in Vale, it appears they soon will have no choice."

Bold Means Setting/Character

Italics mean Narration/Dialogue

Neither means I'm saying something

We'll discover characters as we go along, so I don't give away everybody instantly.

(Skavenblight, No one's POV)

Arguing echoes from the Council Chambers, as the Lords of Decay bicker endlessly.

???:We must attack-kill the no-furs and take Mistral's Lower City!
???:No-no! Stupid-fool Gnawdwell, we-we must not attack-fight them yet! Smarter-better to invade Vale! They never see-expect it coming. Ozpin will die-die, for last time! Let Clan Rictus lead attack! Warchief Tretch can outsmart and slay-kill hunters without issue-problem!
Gnawdwell:Of course you say-speak that Kratch! Rictus clan is weak-inferior to Mors. Beacon is full of hunters. Mistral is ripe for taking-keeping! Queek is trained-used to fight hunters. He can murder any-all of them. Headmaster Lionheart is scared-foolish with his kingdom. Mors stormvermin shall break-crush the Mistral army! Haven will be new-fresh lair for Clan Mors!
???: Why take-fight the academies? Menagerie is plentiful for Throt's experiments-creatures! The animal-things only have White Fang to protect-save them. No-furs don't care about them-them! Whole island belongs-owed to Clan Moulder! Packmasters have field day with-with faunus-things!
???:Moulder can have-occupy little island, Clan Pestilence will spread-give glorious plague-disease to Vacuo. The Pestilent Brotherhood listens-obey me! The no-furs will sicken-corrode from inside-out! The Horned Rat wants-demands it! And Skrolk will give-give him it.

The Council members continue to yell at each other, refusing to let their clan be bested by another. Sitting quietly are two skaven, who occasionally voice their opinions on "False" claims for the kingdoms. One Horned skaven stands up, and shouts out his demand.


Immediately, the room goes silent. None dare stand up to the Seer Lord. No matter how strong a skaven is, politically, or physically, few would risk everything to openly challenge a Grey Seer, never mind Kritislik. All 11 Council members looked at the Seer with slight fear, but understanding. The older members remember what happens when the council becomes divided. Civil War, which is something the Under-empire is quite used to, having 2 in their history. A third could be started with the simplest misinterpretation.

Kritislik:We wait till right-perfect moment to strike-attack the no-furs! Do not-not forget, the "Witch Queen" grimm are still here-here! Clan Gnaw was killed-butchered by them! As we speak-talk, Clan Mange, Ferrik, and Krizzor are fighting-warring with the hordes. It may be time-time to reveal-show ourselves to the No-furs Leaders. We can be ally-partners with them until the Witch-Queen is dealt with! Then-then, we betray them, and kill-stab them all!

*Loud thunder booms outside the Council Chambers, the lighting revealing the grand-scale of Skavenblight. The endless legions of rats are marching into and out of the cursed city.*

That was the beginning of this story, hope y'all liked it. I probably will update it more soon.

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