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"I hear them....gnawing at my wife's bones....oh god....please don't hear me.....Oum have mercy on my soul....NO! STAY THE FU...AHH!!" Last words of Ghira Belladonna

(Killermonk here. I apologize for the lack of updates. To be honest with yall I never thought of reaching 2.7 viewers. I made this story for fun a few months ago. I am thinking of rewriting it a bit but I want to finish this one first. Sorry about chapter's format changing each time, just experimenting with different styles.)

(Claw Coast, Menagerie)

(POV, No one)

The animal-things have no clue what hit-hit them! Clan Skurvy will dominate-crush the faunus!

The Clan Skurvy's fleetmaster Skuk Iron-eye is leading the Under-Empire's attack on Menagerie. A skaven fleet of 13 massive warships, each loaded with the sea vermin. Moulder and Rictus have offered assistance to the pirates, being stormvermin, monsterous infantry such as Rat Ogres, or even some warlords of their own."

Skuk--Ah, this island should be an easy target, yes-yes! I've heard it's filled with defenseless weaklings, ripe-ripe for the plundering-looting!

Mighty Fleetmaster Skuk, we make landfall soon-soon. What shall we-we do? Have many-many rats hungry-ready for war!

Skuk--Prepare-ready sails, reload cannon-guns, we shall-must attack them right! The great-powerful Horned Rat is watching us! I feel-sense it...

Yat-Yat--Yes-Yes my lord.

"Yat-Yat, a Rictus Fangleader, was quickly promoted to second in command of the assault after he saved Skuk from a Grimm shark that had attempted to eat the Fleetmaster. Yat-Yat quickly yells out orders for the crews. Each ship's crew was working endlessly to prepare for the attack. They had once chance at this, if they failed, they either they die or live suffer the wrath of Clan Skurvy's Lord of Decay Vrisk Ironscratch...

The fleet has moved closer to the island. A thick cloud of fog had hidden the ships from patrolling White Fang boats and the watch towers. Skuk smirked, this was perfect. If he took Menagerie it was likely that he could control it. Maybe even raise the ranks in Skurvy. He had faith in his army, uncommon in skaven. He did have a bit of suspicion with Yat-Yat. It seemed like it was too much of a coincidence that Yat happened to save him after Skuk 'fell' over board. But now was not the time, the White Fang are a threat to the Skaven. His eye gleamed with thoughts of the power, loot, and control he would get. His one good eye scanned through the warpstone scope. The fog was completely see-through with the lens. He smiled once he noticed the empty beaches of the island."

We are landing soon-soon, lord!


"A cheer rang out, as cannons where being aimed, then light. The fleet has made it close enough to the island to shoot their weapons. A patrolling White Fang member noticed them, but was quickly turned into a red paste as a cannon blew him apart. The rest of the island finally started to realize the attack. White Fang members were rushing to get into a formation as they watched the Skaven make landfall on the beach. The wooden ships had begun to unload thousands of stormvermin. One particularly bulk ship's hull gave away, with a hell pit abomination and pack of mutated stormfiends rushing to the mainland. The albino abomination, named "Thing-eater" came crashing through the skaven's own line as it dragged itself to the front lines. Skuk watched from his bonebreaker mount. He smirked as he watched the sea of vermin make it to the outskirts of the city. It was a good day. Skuk noticed a certain red-haired bull faunus eyeing the battle. This was going to be fun..."

"The White Fang and Faunus Militia had barely organized themselves when the rat-tide had charged into them. Deathvermin effortlessly cut down the untrained natives. Even the best of the White Fang soldiers couldn't stop a rat ogre from crushing them beneath. The H.P abomination had finally pushed through the stormvermin and smashed through a wooden barricade. The Faunus line wavered, then broke. It was simply too much. A cruel cheer rang out from the skaven. "KILL-KILL THEM ALL!" was heard above the fight. Adam Taurus was stationed at the W.F. Headquarters in the city. He was fuming in rage as he watched his troops getting slaughtered. Just as he was going to order reinforcements, he noticed a figure from the corner of his eye. He dodge a swipe from a warpstone sword. Getting back on his feet, he looked at his attacker. Skuk Iron-eye. The two went eye to eye, before charging each other. Adam's 'Wilt and Blush' having to deflect Skuk's 'Death-maker'. Skuk's left hand was a hook, which he used to swipe at Adam. They spun around each other, looking for a weakness to exploit. Adam smirked, and swung on Skuk's open side. Skuk growled in pain, and wildly swung his hook at Adam's face. The metal hook caught Adam's mask and threw it off. Adam jumped back, feeling the slight cut on his cheek."

Haha, you-you were slave-thing to Schnee! Maybe you need-need new owner?


"Rushing forward, Adam pushed his sword against Skuk's. Attempting to over-power his verminous opponent, Adam reached over and punched Skuk. Skuk just smiled, and bite into Adam's hand. The bull faunus yelled out in pain and kept trying to yank his hand free. But large yellow, now turning red, teeth had dug deep in to the Faunus's flesh. Skuk's sword curved up into Adam's right hand, removing the limb. Adam cried out once more. Skuk finally let go of his hand, which begun to look like minced beef. "No pun intended". Adam begun to crawl back, finally realizing the skaven's prowess. Skuk chuckled darkly, the Horned Rat blessing was with him. Adam dragged his bloody body to the ledge, using it to stand up. Skuk slowly stepping closer towards him"

I am not going to d-die like this! Not until that bitch Blake gets what she deserves!

You can get-take hell-hell!

"Skuk stabbed Adam's chest with his sword. With a final gasp, Adam fell back against the ledge, and toppled over. Skuk leaned over it, smirking as he witnessed the splat. A dark chuckle behind him, his eye widened in panic. But it was too late, a kick sent the fleetmaster over the ledge as well. Cursing with a final screech, Skuk was no more. With a lovely crunch, the skaven warlord has landed next to Adam. The pair of warriors lay dead together. With a smile that revealed his metal teeth, Yat-Yat had killed his leader. He reached down and grabbed Adam's mask, to 'prove' that he slayed the bull Now, there was nobody to say otherwise that he is the greatest skaven on the island! He watched the battle unfold below, now his, stormvermin had begun to massacre the people of Menagerie. Most of the city was now captured. All there is now, is to take the capital...

The remaining fang members had stood together in front of the Belladonna mansion, the last stand of their people. The faunus stayed defiant, until a pair of stormfiends pushed through the vermin line. With a horrifying resemblance to a human's laugh, the rat ogres aimed their weapons at the faunus. The Fang could do nothing, but become washed over with warp flame...

With thousands of skaven below him, Yat-Yat stood above the horde from the mansion. The island was firmly in the Under-Empire's paws. The council will be very pleased with this. He wonders how they'll react to Skuk's demise? He raised his staff, reveling in his own pride. The banners of Clan Skurvy and Moulder now hung across the Menagerie. The Moulder Mutator Throt was going make good use of the captured faunus-things"

(Killermonk here, hoped you guys liked this, tried to actually give a battle a decent description instead of just summing it up with like 3 sentences. How was the fight between Skuk and Adam? That was really my first attempt at a duel like that. Again, sorry for the slow updates)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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