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"The reveal of the existence of the skaven took the news by storm. Every channel and broadcast made sure to give their opinions. A few radical ones tried to give reason to kill the vermin, while others wanted to find out more about the rat-men. The headmasters themselves had little clue on what to really do. With the events happening in Vale, it was Ozpin's duty to negotiate with Warlord Feskit before either sides leaders could intervene. Speaking of the rat, he is currently being escorted by Atlas soldiers and multiple teams from Beacon. One of which being Team RWBY, whose energetic redhead had been bombarding Feskit with tons of questions. Feskit did his best to answer the young lady, though some questions were better left unanswered for now.

You killed that grimm knight really easily! How did you do it?
Feskit: I have had my fair-plenty of fights-challenges. I was trained-taught by the very best-strongest Clan Mordkin chieftains. That was weak-thing compared to what I-I am used to.
Ruby: So you are in Clan Mordkin. How many clans are their? Is there like a requirement to be a clan?
Feskit: That is hard-difficult question to answer, number of clans change-vary every day. There is only four major-greater clans. Mordkin is not yet-soon be great clan!
Ruby: What are the greater clans?
Feskit: Well-well, the four great clans are Moulder, Pestilence, Eshin, Skyre. Some minor-smaller warlord clans are Mordkin, Mors, Rictus, Carrion, and plenty-many of others. Each greater clan has lesser-thralls clans that obey-listen to their demands. Clan Septik and Morbidus for example are in a treaty-alliance with Clan Pestilence.
Blake: Who keeps all the clans in line? Do you just do your own thing?
Feskit: That is the duty-responsibility of the Council of thirteen. Their job is to lead-keep skavendom from falling apart-down. The great-mighty Lords of Decay, which is what-what we call them, are chosen when a particularly strong-wise skaven wants to join the council. Either there is empty seat, or they will-must kill a current member. Council has-keeps an iron paw hold on the Under-Empire. Even though there has been-was two times they failed-failed. Both times to the schemes-plots of The Pestilent Brotherhood.
Weiss: That's barbaric, of course the literal sewer rats are uncivilized savages.

While the rest of team RWBY immediately scorned the heiress for the comment. Feskit just looked on with a malicious grin, of course the weak no-furs lacked the idea of skaven culture and tradition. The group had arrived at the entrance to Beacon Academy, with Feskit comparing the towers of Beacon to the Shattered Tower back in Skavenblight. Skriltch had begun to mentally question his ability to be diplomatic with the humans. He has walked the world long enough to understand how humanity reacts in a conflict. Either solved without violence, or war that leads to ones destruction. Not doubting that the man-things could potentially defend against the skaven, or even fight back the verminous hordes. There is many secret weapons that both sides have, a war between the people of Remnant and the Under-Empire would be costly. Skriltch was yanked out of his thoughts when they were lead into a large council room. There were many no-furs sitting behind desks, and in the center of them was a grey-haired man. Wearing a green, and a pair of glasses. The headmaster of Beacon Academy, Ozpin, was patiently waiting for the messengers of the newest player in Remnant's politics. The group had walked in, with Feskit and Skriltch standing Infront of the council. Ozpin greeted the newcomers.

Ozpin: Hello, my name is Professor Ozpin. I take it that you are not the official representatives of your people?
Feskit: Right-correct you are. It was by accident-mistake that we were even seen-discovered. The Council of thirteen was not expecting-ready for this reveal. I am Feskit, great-wise warlord of Clan Mordkin. This is Grey Seer Skriltch, my most trusted-useful advisor, and emissary to Council. He has told-spoken to a member of them, they will decide-plan for official meeting.
Ozpin: Well I'm glad we've meet on positive terms. When you first appeared you engaged the grimm first, it appears that we share the same enemies, correct?
Feskit: The grimm are the bane-scum of this world. It is Skavendom's top goal-priority to clear-kill all grimm possible. Even though there is-is some disagreement-arguing about humanity being a threat. I have no rule-power over the decisions-choices of the council. I do hope-wish for a understanding to be meet.
Ozpin: I feel the same way, believe me, there is much that skaven, humans, and faunus can do to benefit each other. While the forces of darkness gather, it is good to know that we are not the only ones defending this world. We have a common saying here, "The enemy of my enemy, is my friend." Though nothing is set in stone, hopefully we as a nation, can put aside our differences, to stand side to side to push back those who wish to bring harm to us. No matter the future, it is up to us to decide the fate of Remnant itself.

That was part 3 of the story. Hope y'all liked it. I know it seems like the skaven have completely 180'd from their original plans, but don't worry. The skaven had betrayal in their DNA. Peace!

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