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"The promise of unity between the two nations opened the stage for cooperation. Humanity witnessed as skaven began appearing with the military. Endless numbers of the rats showed up to assist the man-things at the most random times. During a grimm invasion in southern Vacuo, the few teams there were beginning to lose ground. When all hope seemed lost, a great war host of plague monks came out through a hole in the ground and mercilessly slaughtered the grimm. Atlas itself was under attack by a massive force from the grimm and the White Fang. Before the walls were breached, Clan Skryre detonated a warp-bomb which decimated the foe. The Fang tried to escape, but a trio of stormfiends quickly cut down any fleeing enemies. Mistral's infamous wyvern had begin its season of destruction on the outskirts of the kingdom. During its rampage, both Clan Moulder and Gritus released the 'The Thing-Thing". A giant Hell-pit abomination which dueled the wyvern for two whole days, which was seen by half of Mistral. No matter how much the wyvern tried, the regenerative abilities of the creature was unstoppable. Even when Vale detectives couldn't stop the violent gangs, they were shocked to see the dead bodies of the leaders hanging from light posts. The corpses bore the mark of Clan Eshin. The Council of Thirteen arranged a vast legion of vermin which battled near endlessly to clear out Mount Glenn. Which now will forever echo with the sounds of chittering and gnawing.

No matter how much Jacques Schnee complained to Atlas's council, they couldn't deny the effectiveness of the skaven. The old man could pull a ton of strings, but it seemed like nothing or no one would be able to prevent the rat-men doing in mere weeks what humankind had failed to do for decades. Ozpin was internally conflicted about the situation. On one hand he truly believed that the skaven do what's best for Remnant itself. On the other hand, he had grown concern that the Under-Empire may determine the extinction of humanity altogether as a necessity. He attempted to convince himself that they do everything for the globe's survival, and not for the suffering of others. He deemed that a show of companionship was needed. Both councils eventually agreed to a meeting between the best teams of Beacon and key figures in skavendom. It was expected to prove to everyone that it was possible for mankind and skavenkind to coexist without issue. Ozpin only prayed that it would go smoothly.

(Location: Beacon Academy. No-ones POV)

While multiple teams from Beacon waited the arrival of the 'diplomats', Ironwood had decided to join them. Winter Schnee and Team STRQ had also been invited to secure the stability of the event. After a short greeting between team RWBY and their family, the skaven had arrived. They no-furs watched as a number of figures walked through the courtyard. Many who have which never met themselves. There was warlord Queek Headtaker, followed by his personal 'Red Guard'. Ska Bloodtail was with him. After them was Ikit Claw, who was joined with Trikstab Gribnode of Vrrtkin. Then there was Throt the Unclean with his two bodyguards Skweel Gnawtooth and Ghoritch. A shadowy duo stalked past them, Deathmaster Snikch and Gristl Twitchslice. Clan Pestilence had chosen Plague-lord Skrolk, Puskab Foulfur, and Vrask Bilebroth.
There were some lesser clans who had representatives. Rictus had Tretch Craventail. Ferrik had their leader Forgemaster Iron-skull. Clan Volkn basically forced Moltskin Searflesh to be there. Clan Verms picked Blight Tenscratch. Last but not least, Clan Crooktail's Wastelord Viciss Baukis was the final skaven. After many short introductions, some longer due their many near-endless moniker's. For example, Ikit claw has the titles, Chief Warlock of Clan Skryre, Master of the Warpstorm, Flayer of Forgemaster Gharhakk Bloodtongue, Butcher of Chicomecoatl, Gutter of Jarl Alfhild Daemonkin, Burner of Magister Klaus von Doenhoff, and Razer of Helwigstadt. The skaven all went separate to meet the hunters of Beacon.

Team RWBY first went to meet Ikit Claw, one of if not the most genius skaven to ever exist.

:There is a lot more of you than I thought there would be. NOT THAT WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE. Its just a surprise that's it.
Ikit:Do not-not worry-fret young one, I take no-no offense to it. There is many-plenty of important skaven in the Under-Empire, yes-yes.
Yang:So what's with the metal suit? Is that your armor?
Ikit:It's my exosuit. I have-forced to wear it after fail-mistake experiment. My body has-needs the suit to move-walk.
So you're the "Warlock of Skavenblight"? What is Skavenblight? Also, what's the skaven's opinion of faunus?
Ikit:I am the greatest-best warlock in Skavenblight, which is the home-city of the skaven race as a whole-whole. Skaven do not care-hate faunus, at least most-many I know do not. Be careful though-however, as there is some-few skaven that hate them-them.
Weiss:Its seems like you rat-men do have some feelings in your nasty hearts. Even though your crude technology is nothing compared to Atlas's. They could have easily defended their kingdom without you vermin even being there.
Ikit:If it wasn't for me-me, the grimm would have killed-slaughtered your people to a man-man. Clan Skryre saved Atlas, while your people ran-fled, many skaven gave their blood-lives for them. The "smartest" kingdom was too busy-occupied with arguing about who has-gets more money to even think about saving-helping their people!
Weiss was taken aback by the comments, and in a fit of rage slapped the skaven. The rest of team rwby was shocked to see it, and tried to get her to back off. However, Ikit had a different way of settling it. He kicked Weiss and then pointed 'Storm Daemon' at her. Warp-lighting sparked uncontrollably out of the weapon. The rest of the hunters quickly got Weiss away from the pissed off Ikit. Trikstab and Moltskin grabbed Ikit and attempted to calm him down. After it, Winter smacked Weiss for nearly starting a fight with the skaven. Ikit had to leave early because of his mood never getting better. Thankfully the rest of the event went smoothly. Who knows with another altercation like that, a whole war could be started. No matter how Ozpin tries to persuade the people, it's almost impossible to keep a good image of the rat-men.

That was part 4 of the story. Hopefully I'll write some more tomorrow. I know some of these guys aren't explained a whole lot in the lore, I got the names from a few Warhammer workshop mods. Clan Ferrik and Volkn guys are from Warhammer 2 mods. While Verms and Crooktail are from Warhammer 3 mods. Peace!

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