Quick Update!

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So, first off, I'm so sorry for the long wait! I had a chapter mostly finished, refreshed the tab due to connection issues, and it was gone. I was unable to recover it, and just haven't had time to rewrite it due to work on other projects recently.

HOWEVER!! If you want more P&B content, there are Instagram accounts for several of the characters, four of my OCs as well as a scorbus account with both Albus and Scorpius! The iist below is of the account names, the characters, and a brief bio on each.

artemissdarling is the account for Artemis. As you know, Artemis is the daughter of Lucius Malfoy's illegitimate daughter, and thus is Draco's niece and Scorpius's cousin. She's a Slytherin and also a lesbian (because I love my angsty sapphics) and has been branded with the Dark Mark. She's very much tied to and talented in the Dark Arts.

slytherin_gays is the Albus and Scorpius account. Set up as a joint account between the two (definitely not because I didn't want to deal with two accounts instead of one), slytherin_gays is generally not a big poster and instead just interacts with the other accounts' content, though this is subject to change as I have more time to create content for the accounts.

all_the_sunny_days is a character that to be honest, I can't remember if I've mentioned yet. Sunny Daae, Artemis's beloved ex-girlfriend, is a pan Squib who often let Artemis crash at her house when things got bad at home. The two ended on good terms and Sunny is a friendly, flirtatious, and semi-dirty-minded ginger who all in all, adds a good laugh to the IG content.

t_girl_magic is a character I was going to mention in the chapter which got deleted and who will absolutely make a huge cameo in upcoming chapters! Nico Zhabin is the transfem queen and mischief maker who also serves as Artemis's one and only female friend within the walls of Hogwarts. I personally love Nico and she's the perfect splash of humor and sass for Artemis's dank, moderately fucked up self. Part of the reason why I wanted Nico was because I have a lot of queer rep (obv), but especially in the wake of JK Rowling's anti-trans statements, I wanted to give her a nice slap to the face with beautiful, funny t-girl Nico. 

Finally we have _phoenix_phantom_, who is the final one of my major OC's and is also the one mentioned in the fic description! Callisto St. Albera is one of the popular girls, pretty and smart. Nico is a mutual friend of Callisto and Artemis, though Lis and Artemis don't really talk to each other on amiable terms.

Some rules about interacting with the accounts- 

1.  If you harass them, you'll be blocked all the way down to hell and back. Not just on one- on all of them. You can reach me at astagoetia666@gmail.com if you want to appeal a block/restriction.  Harassment includes: homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, unwanted sexual advances, hate on the fic, me, or the characters. It's totally okay to flirt a little bit with them, some will flirt back, but if they ask you to stop/tone it down and you do not, you will be banned.

2. They won't break character. If you have questions for me, leave it in the comments of the fic chapters or reach me at the aforementioned email address. Please understand that they won't always reply- I am one person trying to manage five Instagram accounts on top of my main and my unrelated alt. It's exhausting to keep up with them, even just notifications. 

3. Please feel free to interact with them! I really love fan/user interactions, it makes me really happy to see people enjoying and interacting with my fic. Shoutout to anyone who reads my fic currently, it's nice to see. 

4. None of the posts are real photos (which will be obvious when you see them), any depictions of the characters are digital drawings done by me. These take time and effort, far more than snapping a selfie, and so a lot of the content might be just chat chains between characters. (If you're involved with the tumblr Marauders fandom, you might be familiar with the jegulus twitter confession au- this is similar, but just daily shitposting and joking around.) Fanart/prompts are absolutely welcome! Just be patient with me, I'm only one person, I have other projects, and I can't get everything done all the time.

5. You can also talk to Artemis and soon, Sunny on character.ai! They're not 100% accurate because *cough* character limit *cough* so do take everything they say with a grain of salt! My account on character!ai, where you will see not only them but also a few other chars, is under the username ashes_of_finality. 

6. The Instagram accounts are what I consider to be second-level canon. While it does sort of match up with fic events, everything is subject to change between here and canon fic events. Also, if you want to see more from me on different accounts that are in the fandom, you can find me at sapphic_stargazer on tumblr as well.

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