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Second was running in a forest. He was chasing something. He didn't know why, but he had to catch up to that...thing.

"Stop!" He shouted, "Come back!"

The thing was getting farther away when Second felt a presence behind him. He looked back but only saw his shadow. He looked closer to see that his shadow had eyes and an evil grin. His shadow grabbed his leg and started dragging him.

"Let me go!"

His shadow just dragged him further into the darkness.

"I said, let me go!!"

A sudden energy blast shot from his hands, and the shadow monster scurried away.

What was that?

He decided to keep following the mysterious figure. As he wandered the forest, yellow vines slithered up his body. They wrapped around his body until he couldn't move. The more he tried to break free, the tighter the vines became. Finally, he freed one arm.

Now, I need to untangle the rest of my body.

He heard a scream close by. The shadow monster was stuck in the vines too. Second free his other arm

Why should I help it. It tried to eat me earlier.

Its screams became more fearful as the vines succumbed to them. Overcome with pity, Second reaches out to help free the shadow monster. As a thank you, the shadow monster hugs him.

"You're welcome."

The shadow monster suddenly turns into light orbs, lightning up the trail. As Second continued looking for the figure, he ran into the mud. It was getting harder to walk as he sank into the mud. Black fog blocked all the light; all he could see was darkness.

"Someone, anyone, please help me!"

But no one heard him. He sank entirely into the mud, thinking this was the end, when someone grabbed his hand. He felt himself being pulled out of the mud and saw that he was in a cave now. The thing that helped him was the figure he was chasing.

"Who are you? Why did you help me?"

The figure didn't answer but looked at him solemnly.

"Why are you looking at me like that?”

The figure was about to answer when it heard a noise from afar. The figure disappeared, leaving Second in the cave.

S1 E1: Welcome To Stick Figures WorldWhere stories live. Discover now