Chapter 1

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Second POV

Second woke up to the sound of note blocks and animal noises. Usually, he would be annoyed with all the racket, but he smiled. It has been a year since King Orange tried to destroy Minecraft, and things couldn't be better. Purple and The King (now called Mango) had found a family in each other, and the gang had found a way to keep in touch. Second walk out of his Minecraft house to see Red and his pig, Ruben.

"Good morning, Red," Second chirped.

"Good morning," said Red

Ruben oinked a good morning too.

"You seem to be in a good mood this morning," Red observed. "Usually, you're complaining about Green making too much noise."


The music suddenly stopped as Green noticed them.

"Hey, Second, Red, come check out the new song I made."

Second and Red went over to listen to Green and his note blocks. Yes, he was usually annoyed with Green playing his note blocks at night, but he couldn't deny the talent he had.

"Guys! Breakfast is ready!"

Second recognized Blue's voice as Red and Green raced to get there first.

"I hope Blue made chocolate pancakes," Red said

"Again," Second said, surprised. "But you had that yesterday."

"I know, but it tasted so good!"

They went to the Stick Figure website and walked into the kitchen. Blue was flipping pancakes while Yellow was setting the table. Both of them look up from what they are doing.

"Morning, y'all," Yellow grinned.

They all said good morning as they sat down.

"Oh boy!" Green said, "I'm starving."

As Second started to eat his breakfast, he noticed something different about Blue's pancakes.

"Blue, is that netherwarts in your pancakes?"

"Yea. It's a new recipe I'm trying out. You want some?"

Second tried not to make a face while Green rolled his eyes.

"No thanks."

An incoming Zoom call startled Second.

"Who is it?" asked Yellow

"It's Purple," answered Green

Red, who had been happily eating his chocolate pancakes, jumped up.

"I'll answer it!"

Red pressed the button, and Purple appeared on the screen.

"Hi Purple!"

"Hi guys! How are you?"

"Great," said Green. "By the way, I like the new drip."

"Thanks!" Purple said excitedly, "Dad bought it for my birthday last week."

"It was your birthday last week?" said Red. "Happy late birthday!"
"So Purple, what have you been up to lately," asks Blue

"Not much," said Purple, "But a festival is coming up."

"A festival?" asks Yellow.

"Yea! There's food and music and tons of contests!"

"That sounds fun!" exclaimed Red, "I wish we could go."

"Why can't you?" asks a deep voice

Mango had walked into the room to join Purple.

"Because there’s no way to get to your world," explained Yellow. "The portal was destroyed."

"It was?!" Mango said, "How?"

"Red and Green blew it up-"

"It was an accident!" Red interrupted

"Well, why don't you make a new portal?"

Second watched Yellow thinking for a moment.

"I could if I had the right parts," Yellow said slowly.

"Great!" said Purple, "You could spend the whole week here."

"Wait," said Second. "Could we discuss this first before we decide anything?"

Purple face fell a little.

"Ok, call me when you make a decision" Purple hung up, leaving the room silent.

S1 E1: Welcome To Stick Figures WorldWhere stories live. Discover now