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Aunt Headache 🙄: Hey boo❤️

                                : Hopefully, you're back from the party now, I'm not coming home tonight

                                : Went back to Manhattan, I'll be back next week and get ready to spill everythinggg,

                                : TTYL Love, Goodnight,

From the rooftop, the crescent moon seemed to hang low from the sky,

The glow of the heavenly body reflected in her sad chestnut brown eyes,

Reading her aunt's message over and over again,

She let out a tired sigh,

Placing the phone beside herself,

"You have an incoming video call" Xanthe informed her,

"From who?" Nevaeh asked as she sat up, picking her phone,

"Janelle" Xanthe answered,

She prepped herself, working on a big smile to offer her best friend,

Janelle was the last person Nevaeh wanted to worry about her,

She'd already been a great friend,

"Heyyy WIFEY" Janelle yelled as her face came to view,

"Hey love" Nevaeh answered, giving her a smile worse than the one she had actually prepared to show her,

"Why do you look like someone who got their heart broke?" Janelle asked, running her fingers through her curly hair,

"It's nothing, I'm totally fine" Nevaeh lied in response,

"No, you're not babes, I know something's wrong, let's talk about it" Janelle suggested,

"It's fine El, We don't need to talk about it" She answered, declining the offer,

"We will, you have to tell me" Janelle urged,

"Fine, so there's this guy..." Nevaeh said as she started to explain her situation to her closest friend,

"Ahh shit, here we go again" Janelle said,

But she said that in her mind though, so that no one else could hear it ,

As Nevaeh cried to Janelle about this Miles guy who disappeared in season three of her life and reappeared in season seven a few weeks after her mom died, She kinda felt bad for her,

Honestly, If it was anyone else crying over a guy, Janelle would be really judgy,

But this was Nevaeh, her best friend in the whole world,

So she had to overlook it,

After all,

Everybody makes mistakes,

"You should go out, clear your head or better still, come back to Queens" Janelle suggested,

"We've talked about this before Janelle, I can't, Brooklyn deserves it's own Spiderwoman, Queens was lucky for six years having the both of us defending it" Nevaeh found herself saying,

"Nevaeh, we've talked about this a million times, you don't owe Brooklyn anything, not after all it has snatched away from you" Janelle replied,

"El, everything I've lost is not about Brooklyn, It's the villains and criminals, that's exactly why Brooklyn need me, I've been working hard, helping the police force get them, the rate of crime is decreasing because of me, the people are grateful, they love me and the children look up to me, I refuse to let them down" Nevaeh argued,

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