Punishment Round-Up

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Ch 5: A Heart, A Spade, and a runaway cat?!

The Ponyvill humans and Grim had a long, hard day cleaning the entire school. After finishing their duties, they all regrouped in the cafeteria to eat and wait for Ace so they could get started on the other project.

Everyone took this opportunity to eat something before they had to wash a hundred windows. Some of them were irritated by the addition of cleaning a hundred windows after a whole day of cleaning. Even though it could be possible that Twilight and Starlight could use a spell to clean the windows or Rainbow Dash could use her speed and clean them that way. However, everyone aside for Grim agreed that using their magic that way wouldn't be right, and it wouldn't be fair if Ace got off that easy.

"Oh, come on!" Grim complained, "If you two are as good as you say you are, then why can't you just cast a spell and boom done?" 

"Grim, we've been over this. Didn't you notice the size of this school?" Twilight noted

"Yeah, so?"

"Even though Twilight and I are magically talented, it will take a lot of energy to clean all those windows," Starlight explained.

Grim slumps down into his spot on the bench, "Fine!... but I still don't want to do it."

Rarity wiped the lunch from her mouth and said, "Well, Grim,  we don't want to clean an additional hundred windows either, However, thanks to your rash actions we are now being punished for it."

"But Ace started it!"

"That doesn't matter," Twilight argued, "You shouldn't have tried to attack him like that. Not to mention Spike could have been hurt cause of that fight."

Grim turns to Spike and see that while he has no serious injuries he did still have some cuts and brushes on his arms. 

Applejack had gotten up to throw away her trash and said, "Now Grim I understand that you were upset over what that jerk done said, but you can just go flying off the handle. Otherwise, you or someone else could get hurt."

Grim was visibly irritated but kept quiet, slumming down into his seat arms crossed.

Rainbow Dash who was laying down on the bench and staring up at the ceiling until she glances over at the clock. She was starting to grow impatient over the fact that Ace had yet to show up. Fluttershy noticed Rainbow Dash's mood and tried to cheer her up.

"Are you thinking about Ace again?"

"Well yeah, That asshole is the one who got us into this mess, and he's not even here yet to help with the windows!" Rainbow Dash said

"I'm sure that he still has his classes to get through or maybe he's having trouble finding his way around the school on his first day," Fluttershy remarked.      

"Pfft doubt it. He not gonna show up."

"Patience Rainbow." Rarity asserted, "Surely he wouldn't up and disobey the Headmage on his first day."

Pinkie Pie then tried to add her insight on this but, her mouth was full of the sweets she had been eating. 

"Um, Pinkie please remember to chew and swallow before talking," Spike said while trying to hide the nauseous look on his face.

She swallowed and said, "Well I hope Ace the meanie gets here he needs to apologize for saying all that means stuff and hurting our feelings."  

"Anyways, classes should be over now so Ace should be here in a few minutes." Twilight in noted

"And the sooner he gets here the sooner we can go home," Spike commented

............ A... Few... Hours... Later.............

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