The Unexpected Guest

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Ch: 8 The Guest with Two Hearts

Dear Princess Celestia, 

I hope that this letter can reach you given the current situation my friends and I are in. I have additionally written and sent similar letters to my parents, Shining Armor, and Princess Cadance. We've been transported to another dimension called Twisted Wonderland through the Magic Mirror in my castle's library. I've yet to learn how or why we have been sent here, however, right now we have no way to return to Equestria. Fortunately, this world has magic and we are presently staying at one of the most prestigious all-boy magic schools in this world called Night Raven College. The Headmage Dire Crowley was nice enough to allow us to stay on campus and he's even going so far as to allow everyone to attend classes with a small cat creature named Grim. The Headmage is looking into a way to send us home, and I will also research ways to return to Equestria. Until then we'll be remaining at Night Raven for the time being. I have no idea when we'll return but with the Headmage, Starlight, and I looking for a portal home, we can arrive home soon. It could also help if you, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, and Starswirl can look into this matter from Equestria when you all have the chance. I truly hope this letter can reach you and that you and all of Equestria are safe.

From your ever-faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.

It was late at night at the Ramshackle Dorm. Everyone was settled into bed and was fast asleep given yesterday's event. Twilight was in a deep sleep in her room when the Mirror in her room started to glow and illuminate the room. In Twilight's dream, she finds herself in what looks like a hedge maze garden. 

"Where am I?" She asked. Looking down Twilight realized she was back in her pony form. Confused and having nowhere else to go she walked forward into the maze. Eventually, she came across a bizarre scene where creatures that looked like playing cards were singing and painting white roses red.

"Quick, paint the roses red!" One of the Card Creatures shouted. 

"Don't dare stop or waste a drop - let the paint be spread!" The other said.

Twilight blinked a few times at the sight before saying, "Oookay, now this has to be a dream because there is no way anyone would paint a rose. Not even Pinkie Pie."

Then a young girl in a blue and white dress, blonde hair, and a thin black ribbon approached the rose painters. 

"Oh, pardon me, but mister three why must you paint them?" The girl asked.

"Well, the fact is, miss..." The three of clubs' card started "We planted white roses by mistake."

The two other cards followed up with three of clubs' "And, the queen, she likes them red. If she saw what we said, She'd raise a fuss and each of us would quickly lose our heads." 

Both the little girl and Twilight had the same shocked expression on their faces. 

"Wait a minute," Twilight said "Lose our heads over the wrong colored roses? There's no way anyone would be so enraged to the point that they would kill someone. Especially over flowers. Hopefully?"   

Before She could discover anything more, the dream faded as Twilight woke up in bed. She sat up as she thought about the bizarre dream when not even a second later there was a loud knock at the front door.

As knocking continued Twilight got out of bed and lit her horn when she went downstairs. Once she got downstairs she saw that Spike and Grim were already downstairs and near the front door with Grim complaining.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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