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Prologue: The Mirror 

It was a quiet night in Ponyvile, all of its residents were preparing for bed after a long day. In the distance is a castle not too far from the town. In it are six mares and a baby dragon enjoying what seems to be a slumber party. Pinkie Pie the pink earth pony had wanted to throw a slumber party for all her friends after one of Rainbow Dash's Wonderbolt shows at her castle, and Twilight had offered her castle as the perfect place for it. It had been a busy week for all of them and they all wanted to relax and have fun together so they were all for it, especially Pinky Pie.

"Man today's show must have been our best one yet," said Rainbow Dash the cyan pegasus with a multi-colored mane and tail.

"I'll say, you were out there putting out a show with the rest of the Wonderbolts," said Applejack the orange earth pony wearing a cowgirl hat. " Thanks, AJ," said Rainbow Dash "And thank all of you for coming to the show. 

" Are you kidding we wouldn't miss it for all the cupcakes and pies in the world," said an excitable Pinkie Pie. 

"Why certainly darling," said Rarity the white unicorn "No matter how busy we are we would always try to appear at one of your shows.". 

"I'm just happy I was able to make it on time," said Fluttershy the yellow pegasus. 

" Yeah Fluttershy, was everything ok?" asked Twilight. "You aren't normally late to one of Rainbow Dash's events. Did something happen?". "O-Oh no it wasn't anything serious. There was just a lot of extra work around the animal sanctuary that I needed to get done and I lost track of time," said Fluttershy. 

" Oh my, well I do hope you're not overworking yourself Fluttershy," said Rarity levitating a cup of tea to herself. " I'm not but thank you for your concern Rarity," said Fluttershy.

 " Well that's good to hear, but now I'm wondering where are Starlight and Trixie. They haven't shown up yet. said a worried Twilight. " Well maybe they were looking for the right sleeping bags or snacks,"  said Pinkie Pie, who was eating a dozen cupcakes.

 "Don't worry Twilight, I'm sure that they'll show up soon," said Spike the baby purple and green dragon who was helping out by passing out snacks. Just as he finished saying that there was a knock at the door, " Oh, maybe it's them now," said Rarity. "I'll get it," Spike insisted, placing the snack tray on a table and heading to the door. 

In walks both Spike and a light purple unicorn with a sleeping bag and a mysterious package. "Hey everypony, sorry I'm late," said Starlight. "Hey Starlight, wait where's Trixie?" asked a confused Twilight. "And what do you got there," asked Applejack pointing a hoof at Starlight's item, 

"Well, there was a huge mess at Trixie's Wagon," answered Starlight. "She tried to master a new magic trick involving some sort of sticky putty and it backfired horribly,". 

"Oh dear that sounds dreadful darling," Rarity exclaimed in horror. "Tell me about it," said Starlight. "That putty was everywhere, and I am still finding bits and pieces of it on me,". "Yeah, that sounds terrible but what happened to Trixie?" asked Rainbow Dash. "Oh don't worry she's fine and still coming to the party she just needed to get a few things," said Starlight. "Well I'm glad to hear that you're both okay," remarked Twilight. "As for this," Starlight began while levitating and unwrapping the package, "it's a memory crystal, it can record footage, store it, and play it back on a hologram,".

 Everyone in the room got up and crowded around the crystal to get a better look. Spike is the first to ask questions, "So where'd you get it,". "Maud gave it to me; she found a few of these at a dig sight and thought it would be a good idea to let me keep one of them," answered Starlight. "Oooohhhh a magical gift rock from Maud," beamed Pinkie, bouncing up and down. "How does it work, " asked Twilight. " It's easy, just touch the point on top like this, and wait for it to start glowing. Then make sure this side ( pointing to the rounded part of the crystal) faces the object you want to film. It will capture it." Starlight demonstrated. "Now that's awesome." exclaimed Rainbow Dash. "I'll say, but how long can it record for." inquired Twilight. "Maud said that it can record up to twelve minutes of footage after that it will shut off." Starlight explained. 

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