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 I sat in the launch room thinking about last night. Finnick and I fell asleep in each others arms after talking for hours. I looked down at my blue jumpsuit, wide padded belt that was filled with some sort of purple gel, and nylon shoes. Based on the jumpsuit fabric, I am guessing the arena is gonna have water in it. The summer I came to District 4, Finnick taught me how to swim, dive, and float. Some don't know how to swim at all, which makes me luckier than others.

"Hey," Ella said from behind me.

I run to my mentor and envelop her in a big hug.

"Thank you for everything," I whisper, "If I- you know, you have to promise me that you will be there for Kathrine."

"Anything for you, sweet girl."

"Ten second's," an automated voice echoes throughout the room.

I step into the glass tube and the door closes behind me. I press my hand on the glass, Ella does the same.

Suddenly, the tube starts to rise up. I take a deep breath as light blinds me. The first thing I feel when the tube stops moving is the humid air. When my vision reverts to normal, I see I am standing in the middle of a huge lake. Encompassing the water was a jungle. Littered throughout the lake were small strips of land. There were ten, maybe twelve sectors. I was facing the tail of the Cornucopia, meaning I would have to run around to the mouth to get to Finnick. The sixty second countdown starts. I couldn't see any other water than the one surrounding me. I just prayed that this lake wasn't salt. Thirty seconds. I looked around to see who was next to me. Peeta was on my left, and Seeder on my right. Finnick was two people down from me. Ten seconds. I love you Finnick, I thought.

"Let the 75th Hunger Games begin!" Claudius Templesmith exclaims through speakers.

I dive into the water, swimming as fast as I can to the nearest strip of land. I confirmed that the water was salt when I swallowed a mouthful of it, which means there was no other drinkable water in the arena. They were gonna dehydrate us to death! When I get to the rocky strip of land, I run towards the Cornucopia. I was just about to reach the tail when I heard someone behind me.

"Brutus," I say, "Please don't kill me."

"Never kiddo," he smiles, "Now go!"

I run around to the mouth of the Cornucopia, seeing Finnick talking with Katniss.

"May I join?" I ask, panting.

"Sure," Katniss says, "Anything's better than being stuck with him."

"Duck," I hear Finnick say.

I drop to the ground, slamming my chin hard into the rocky surface. I hear a cannon behind me and I turn to see the girl from five dead. I whimper as I watch Finnick take out his now bloodied trident from the girl's chest.

"We have to find Peeta!" Katniss yells.

"And Mags!" I add.

I run around the Cornucopia to see Mags pushing herself up onto the island. I sling her onto my back and run to Finnick and Katniss.

"I know where Peeta is," I say.

"Ok, but I think you'll need these," Finnick smirks, handing me a sheath and arrows.

"Finnick I-"

"Just take them!" Katniss shouts.

I hand Mags to Finnick and put the sheath and bow over my back. I run to the tail, the others following me, and point out Peeta struggling with another tribute in the water.

"He's there!" I point.

Finnick drops his trident and places Mags on the ground, then diving into the water swimming to the two struggling tributes. Suddenly they are both sucked under the water. I hear a cannon go off.

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