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When Edwin and I got to the Capitol the next day, we were whisked away into our own rooms. I was instructed to strip. Once I did as I was told, my three prep team workers came in.

"Aurora! Lucius! Alma! It is so great to see you!" I say, getting up and hugging my old friends.

"Rosemary! You have grown up so much, and you look so beautiful now too!" Aurora exclaims.

"Thank you," I blush.

"Your hair is so pretty!" Lucius smiled, inspecting my golden locks.

"Your eyes are captivating," Alma breathes.

"I missed you guys too," I laugh.

"Alright, no time to waste! We have three hours!" Lucius says, ushering me back to the table.

As I lay on the table, Alma waxed and shaved my body, making sure everything was smooth. Lucius trimmed and washed my hair with a vanilla and honey scented shampoo. I winced a little when Alma waxed under my arms.

"Oh, honey, you must tell us if we are hurting you!" Aurora says, getting the makeup station ready.

"Oh no, you just keep doing your work," I murmur, laying my head back down on the table.

The threesome continued to prep me, making every single part of my body shine. By the time they were done, my skin was so raw it burned. Aurora slathered on a minty gel which soon made my fiery skin cool down. When they instructed me to stand up and walk to the makeup station, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My light blonde hair had been trimmed to perfection and my olive skin glowed in the ceiling lights. Aurora sat me down in a brown fabric seat and began applying powder to my face. She added golden eye shadow to my eyelids and rubbed a tan lip stick onto my full lips. Lucius put my hair into a dutch braid bun and sprinkled gold sparkles on its surface. When they had finished their masterpiece they left the room leaving only me and my thoughts. All of a sudden, a woman with green hair and gold tattoos covering every inch of her face walked in. Her eyes lit up when she saw me, as did mine.

"Eunoia!" I squeal, holding her tight.

"Oh Rose, I missed you so," Eunoia whispered into my ear, "I have something for you."

"Really?" I probe, grinning.

Eunoia holds out a beige stretch of fabric.

"Don't look," My stylist smiles.

When I close my eyes, I feel the silky fabric glide up my body.

"Alright, open," Eunoia exclaims.

When I open my eyes, I am in awe. The gold glitter in my blonde hair shone brightly and the dress was magnificent. The garment was a beige color and had no sleeves. The bodice was tightly fitted and had tan fabric sprouting from its bottom making a train. But something caught my eye, littered throughout the skirt was art pieces, but not just any artworks. My art! My art was on a dress, occupying every corner!

"Eunoia, you're a genius!" I squeal.

"No honey, you're the genius!" Eunoia says, "Now c'mon, the parade is starting in 20 minutes."

Eunoia and I walk up to the chariots hand in hand. All eyes were staring at us, including the new tributes from twelve.

"Hold on, Eunoia. I'm going to say 'hi' to Haymitch," I smile, "I'll meet you at the chariot."

I ran over to my old friend jumping into his open arms.

"Rosie!" he smiles.

"Haymitch! I missed you so much," I beam.

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