Chapter 2- Must of fallen out of bed

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How are you feeling today?

Did you eat and drink water today?

I hope you get LOTS of rest!

Make sure to take breaks and don't push yourself to much!

Lots of luv

Your alarm woke you up at 7 AM. Seems like getting 4 hours of sleep wasn't the best choice... You let out a loud groan of complaint as ya reached for the nightstand to turn off the alarm, but to your confusion, you reached onto the floor instead.

You squint your eyes to open a bit, looking around and realizing you were in fact, still in your room.

'Must have fallen out of bed.'

You tiredly reached your hand onto your bed, slowly pulling yourself up and stopping the alarm. As you looked around, it seemed like your room, but something felt off... perhaps just the sleep deprivation?

After taking a moment to wake yourself up a bit, you stood up and walked to the door of the room, placing a hand on the knob and opening it with dead tired eyes.


This isn't your apartment.

Your room looked completely normal, exactly the same, but outside... This wasn't a cheap apartment that's falling apart. No, this was a full-blown HOUSE.

Blink Blink


You yawned and slammed the door shut, shuffling back to bed. "I'm too tired for this bull." Was all you could get out before falling face first onto the bed, wrapping your arms around a pillow and closing your eyes. 'Probably just a dream, maybe I end up getting a dream within a dream.'

Despite how exhausted you were, you just couldn't fall back asleep, a common problem of yours. After around an hour of miserably failing at sleeping, you rolled myself out of bed, hitting the floor with a thump (confirming that you were actually awake. Maybe just tired and seeing things?) before getting up and walking to the door.

No, you were not going insane.

"Holy shit..."

Hesitantly, you began making my way out of the room, looking around. There were about 5 other doors and a large staircase in the middle leading downstairs. You walked with your hand gliding on the wall as you walked down the hall.

Your socks glided on the wooden floor as you made my way to the middle of the wide hall. You looked around the hall with a hand on the rail of the stairs until a loud crash from downstairs caused you to flinch.

Your head snapped at the direction of the loud sound, and pondered whether to go check it out or not, possibly facing a murderer in a random house.

"Fuck it."

Carefully making your way down the steps with a hand on the rail so you wouldn't fall. You reached the bottom of the stairs and saw a large living room with a comfy-looking couch and a large TV. On the other side of the room were three more doors, and to the right of the living room was a large kitchen.

"God dam this person is loaded..." You muttered to your self as you made your way to a large window on the left of the living room and looked out to see a large backyard and a pretty big garage. You turned to one of the three doors and opened it, which led to the garage.

Inside, you saw a large white van parked in the middle of the garage. There were also things like a workbench, tools, and, most importantly, a big fridge.

Oh yeah, there were also like 5 keys attached to a keychain on the workbench, but ya know, food.

'Oh, that's not suspicious at all. Who wouldn't own a big white van?'

You looked around, peering through cabinets, only to find other tools and such.

'Was I kidnapped?'

'No, they would have tied me up or something.'

'Hm? What's this?'

You looked at the floor and saw a box in the center of tons of broken glass. You looked up and saw a small shattered window, it must have fallen down from there or something.

You squat down and carefully picked up the box, making sure not to touch any glass. You now held the box in my hands and stood up straight, walking over to the workbench.

(Btw '__' = thinking)

'What if it's a bomb?'

'Why would it be a bomb?'

'I dunno. We woke up in a random house and a strange box broke through a window??? COULD BE A BOMB'

'Oh relax, It's not a bomb... probably'


'Just because of that, I'm opening the box'

Were you probably some sort of crazy to be arguing with yourself in your mind? Maybe, but eh, nobody's there to judge. You took one of the keys to cut through the tape and opened the box cautiously.

To your surprise (and relief), it was not a bomb. In fact, it was a black tablet with a (color) credit card next to it. The thing that spooked you out the most, though, was that even though you'd never seen this card in your life, the card was under the name Y/N L/N. Your name.

"What the...?" you muttered to yourself as you took the tablet and card out of the box. You held the card in your hand, turning it around and investigating it curiously until the tablet lit up.

For a couple of seconds, the screen was black, and your reflection looked back at you, until the screen switched to what looked like a map with 5 orange dots, one huge red dot, and one grey dot.

You took the card and put it in your pocket as you curiously looked at the screen. Then a bright white text in the middle of the screen appeared.

Hello! And welcome to both your dream and your nightmare!

"The fuck?!" you said out of shock from the sudden words appearing on the screen.

Hey! Language >:( Anywho! Welcome Home! Hope you enjoy your stay!

You let out a sigh and tried to process what was going on. "Could ya mind telling me what's going on? Mr... Mrs...? Mx. Tablet lord," you snickered a bit at the amazing name you just picked out. Were you trying to make light of this situation? Yes. Was it working? Meh.

Shut up, you make me sound like an iPad kid :'(
Just go to the dots on the map. You are the grey one, and the rest is a surprise! Good luck! You'll need it!

It seemed to type quickly, and the voice reading it in your head made it sound like the tablet was talking in a hurry.

"Wait, what do you mean 'good luck'? NO! GET BACK HERE COWARD." It was too late, the text box went away, and you were left by yourself.

"Oh god... What is going on???"


Hello, lovelies! How are you all feeling?

I'm sorry if it's crappy writing! I'm no pro, but you know what you should do?

Check out the amazing fanfic I took inspiration from (link on the first pg) it's called together forever and it's just *chefs kiss*

Anywho! Have a great night or day!

Tchau Tchau! <3

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