Chapter 4- No Light

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Hello you lovely person:>

If you could do me a favor and eat something nutritious and drink water, that would be great!

Me, Sun, Moon, and Eclipse would all greatly appreciate it if you did <3

Anywho, I hope you enjoy!


You make sure to stay near the entrance/exit of the alley, not going to far in. You shine your light around until it reveals a shadow. It seemed to be the shadow of someone, or something hiding behind the garbage. Based on the shape, they are probably wearing some sort of headband that's supposed to be sunrays? And a hat of some sort. You can't tell much from the outline other than their odd choice of headwear.

"Erm... I'm not going to hurt you?" 'Unless you attack first'

You spoke with a more quiet and cautious tone, shoe still in hand as you slowly scoot closer to the garbage cautiously.

'What if it's a murderer?'

'Probably just a homeless person.'

'If it's a homeless then we need to help them!'

'What if it's the skrunklies?'

'Don't be stupid Y/N'

Before you could get to close, a large robotic looking hand reaches up and grasps the top of the garbage bin, earning a small yelp from your mouth. It seemed to grip hard, hard enough to leave a dent in the metal garbage bin thing. The sound of the thing moving was enough to make you cringe at the sound of rusted metal rubbing against one another.

You flash your light at the large hand and you freeze. Your eyes widen as you look at the detail of the hand. It was metal, five skinny and long, yet strong and sharp claws grip the trash. The small joints in between the 'bones' to allow the fingers to move.

You step closer and move your light higher, shining the light straight at it, hopping to see the wearer of such a robotic and amazingly detailed hand, but a painful sounding screech results before you could even see what you were illuminating

"No light! No light! Off! Off! It hurts!"

Holy shit... you knew that voice anywhere and all you could do is freeze. After a moment, you snap back and direct the flashlight to one of the walls so you can still see, but it won't be illuminating whatever, or whoever was behind the pained voice

You were speechless, you knew that voice all to well from watching multiple gameplays over and over, (when you should have been studying) but it's impossible! What, did you just wake up in another universe or something? What type of fanfic logic is that?

"... Moon?"

As if on cue, the large figure stood up from behind the trash, towering over you as they glared down. They seemed to be in pain, looking like someone was fighting for control. One hand was gripping the metal on the garbage while the other hand was holding their faceplate. A gasp escapes your mouth, should you have been terrified since you were probably gonna be dead meat in a minute? Yup. Were you? Not really.

You mouth goes agape as you look up at an animatronic you know all to well

"Holy shit..."

You cautiously put your shoe back on and turn off the flashlight, using the bright screen light to show what's in front of you. You didn't know how to feel, happy? Excited? Scared? It was a mix of emotions. How else are you supposed to react when one of your favorite characters are right in front of you?

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