This finishes Here part 2

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Wedding bells began to toll as the sky became an orange light color, implying that the sun was going to go down and the moon was to replace it. Meanwhile on top of the roof of the castle a wedding was about to commence, Jarvis stood happily on a small wooden stage as he saw all the different guests sitting in chairs looking at him, followed by also seeing the many decorations, flowers, food and finally presents that were both on a gold glass table.

"Sir. She has arrived" Jarvis then overheard a voice who he instantly recognized was his trusty sorcerer who he looked at and seen he was pointing straight ahead to which Jarvis saw straight ahead The Queen.

She was gorgeous, wearing an all white dress with two pink flowers in her hair as she was being escorted by two of Jarvis's henchmen which the three of them, then passed by the wolf king otherwise known as her husband, William who was tied up in a chair with handkerchief around his mouth making it difficult for him to say a single word. "All Rise" The Priest told everyone sitting down as The Queen had finally made it up the small steps and over to Jarvis which she gave an angry look to.

"We are gathered here on this beautiful day for a very special occasion, not to witness something that has already been made, but to open a new chapter in a book of many" The Priest said, reading from his book that was on a wooden podium.

"Today we will be celebrating two individuals whose love can not be-" The Priest said more, but proceeded to stop after hearing an Ahem! Coming from the left side of his ear as he then moved his eyes to see it was Jarvis who had made the noise. "You mind speeding things up, Please?" Jarvis somewhat tried to whisper quietly but The Queen clearly wasn't fooled and heard what he had said in an instant.

"Alright. Anyways... King Jarvis of the two tails. Do you vow to take Queen Isabella of the Dragon kingdom as your partner in life and wedded wife?" The Priest asked Jarvis who began to smile and look at the wolf queen. "I do" He answered to which The Priest then turned to Queen Isabella to receive her answer. "And do you Queen Isabella of the Dragon kingdom vow to take King Jarvis of the two tails as your lawfully wedded husband?" The Priest asked her.

"Ha! like I would ever say-" She tried to sarcastically say her answer but immediately stopped hearing a henchman behind her pull out his sword while Jarvis got closer to her muttering some words into her ear. "I suggest you choose wisely, for what words do you say next?" He whispered into her left ear before going back to his spot. Realizing there was no way out of this, The Wolf Queen then sighed before saying.

"What I meant to say was... I do" Queen Isabella told The Priest as he then nodded and began to say his final few words while The Queen's husband watched in shock that he couldn't get free and save her from this horrible ruler. However, unaware to all of them, the faint sound of music can be heard in the background while The Priest was speaking.

"Now we can finally gather, celebrate the union of Queen Isabella and King Jarvis's Marriage. It is an honorable estate and should not be altered beyond this point. If anyone can show why Queen Isabella and King Jarvis should not be lawfully joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace" The Priest finished. But as He finished saying that, an flaming arrow hit his wooden podium in grouping it in flames, followed by another that hit the ground in the middle of both The Queen and Jarvis.

"What The...! Who did that?!" Jarvis said, furiously until he looked straight ahead in the same direction the arrows came from. " I object!" Quinn yelled who was holding a bow, but mainly She was riding with Dylan on top of a huge red dragon as other different colored dragons came into view as well, all having the others.

"No way! The Dragons... they've returned!!" David The Sorcerer said in panic which only made Jarvis frustrated and so he pulled out his hammer. "Sorcerer?" Jarvis said, looking at his Sorcerer "Henchmen?" He then also said looking at his henchmen who pulled out their weapons, respectively. "Kill them!!" Jarvis yelled, pointing his hammer in their direction.

The henchmen then proceeded to shoot. Firing multiple arrows into the sky and in their direction as both Dylan and the others tried to dodge them. "Quinn! What's your strategy?" Dylan asked The wolf Princess who was behind him loading another arrow onto her bow. "Get closer! Trust me" She answered before looking downwards, seeing a barrel of gasoline around the festivities which gave her an idea.

"Perfect" Quinn said as she aimed her bow and fired. The arrow went straight for the barrel, hitting it and causing a massive explosion which translated to the other barrels that exploded as well, creating a ring of flames around the area that blocked Jarvis and his sorcerer while they tried to escape with her mother.

"Impossible!" Jarvis uttered. "Ha! looks like there's nowhere to run Jarvis, hand over my family and this could all be-" Quinn taunted him but as she did while Dylan wasn't paying attention an arrow managed to hit the red dragon. "Oh no" Dylan commented while it then went downwards and the two held onto each other. "Brace yourself!" Quinn said as Dylan's Vision completely blackened.

To be Continued...

A/N: Update, originally I was planning on having this be the last Chapter for this series but I decided to split it and have the next chapter be the final one. I did this because I wanted to have the final fight scene be the last part instead. The next and final chapter will be released very soon...Stay tune.

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