This finishes Here part 3

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A few seconds passed by and Dylan was slowly but surely regaining consciousness as his eyes reopened and saw he was laying next to Quinn on the roof of the castle. "Quinn? Are you ok?" Dylan nudged her only to receive no response back while looking straight ahead where he could see two feet away Jarvis but also the red dragon that he had been on originally now lifeless and unconscious on the ground as Jarvis was coming over to them with his hammer in his palm.

"Uh Quinn?!" Dylan said, nudging the wolf princess again to wake up but like before he gotten no response from her again as he heard Jarvis speaking while walking over to them. "She can't help you. Not this time... brave knight or so I thought" Jarvis told him while Dylan tried to get back up.

"You know this wouldn't have happened. This didn't have to be this way if your friend just listened! instead of facing somebody who's clearly tougher, well sucks you got to be in the middle of all this" Jarvis said now in front of him preparing to swing, this made Dylan in rage as he managed to stand up in time, determined to fight.

"That's... that's a lie. Just because you're bigger and wield a giant hammer doesn't mean you're tougher. I am Dylan The brave knight!" Dylan announced as he then pulled out the sword of the dragons and raised it into the air. "And I'm going to prove it. So Jarvis... how about you face me and we shall settle this one and for all!" Dylan offers with determination, making the German Shepherd smile devilishly as he raised his weapon as well. "Then it's a Challenge. One I sure will take" Jarvis says in a serious tone of voice as the fight for the kingdom commences.

Instantly Jarvis threw the first swing of his hammer as Dylan dodged his attack to avoid being squashed, taking advantage by getting a good distance away from him.

Dylan then rushed over to The German Shepherd intending to swipe him only for Jarvis to deflect, their weapons both clashed together which Jarvis pulled away by shoving Dylan backwards which caused him to lose his grip on the sword as it dropped onto the ground but in a instant he grabbed it before changing up his strategy with something different, unannounced to him however Jarvis predicted him again, managing to hit him with his hammer which caused Dylan to be thrown backwards again only this time he crashed into the table the gifts and cake were conveniently placed as Jarvis came over still making that devilish smile.

"So you see, you can't defeat me just give up already and maybe I'll consider sparing your friends" Jarvis threatened to the Dalmatian, but Dylan wasn't having none of it. He quickly kicked him In the shin which distracted Jarvis enough to where Dylan grabbed the sword of the dragons and got back up. running off to keep a distance as they both were now in a stare down.

"You're right. I can't defeat you, no matter how much I try" Dylan admitted to him while Jarvis smiled with pure evil in his eyes. "I told so-" Jarvis was about to finish his sentence but overheard a feminine voice that sounded familiar to Dolly. "That doesn't mean you have to fight alone!" The Voice said, revealing themselves to be Dolly as she jumped to Dylan's aid followed by Hansel, Dawkins,  and Da Vinci. All of them drawing their weapons. "Now Quinn!" Dawkins yelled out as Jarvis looked to his right and saw Quinn aiming her bow at David His sorcerer.

"Do your spell" Quinn demanded as he fearfully nodded and raised his wand into the air, Waving it around while chanting. "Magic wand, Magic wand. I command you to bring this dragon back to life!" He yelled out before pointing his wand at the fallen red dragon as a zap of light hit them which led to the dragon body glowing while being lifted into the air. "No! David, what have you done?!" Jarvis panicked, in fear of what his sorcerer had just done as the spell had fully completed and the dragon returned to life. It then dropped down and stared blankly at Jarvis.

"Oh Sh-" Jarvis said, and thus the dragon roared. breathing fire before picking up The German Shepherd lifting him up into the air which it would throw him as far as it could across the sky as everyone could lastly hear a yell from Jarvis. "I will return!!" He shouted, disappearing in an instant. The battle was finally over for the time being while Dylan had a sigh of relief before looking at his crew.

"We did it. Jarvis is no more" Dylan stated which they all agreed. "Guess he wasn't as tough as he thought" Dolly Jokes, they all began laughing presumably thinking of the same idea. However Dylan would put his moment on hold, seeing Quinn run over to her dad and mom as she used an arrow to cut the rope letting her dad free from the chair, He gave Quinn and his wife an embraced hug.

"I'm so grateful you two are alright" William, the wolf king said and then looked at Quinn giving her a smile. "I guess I was wrong about you. I'm sorry I was being overprotective towards you, I was just afraid that I would lose you just like what happened to Winston.... But today you proved to me how I shouldn't be afraid and that you really are... a warrior, I love you Quinn" He told his daughter who then hugged him before answering. "I love you too dad" She replied back while her dad hugged her back.

"A warrior indeed" a faint voice could be heard as they unbraced from their hug to see straight ahead somebody familiar with guards standing behind them. "My apologies for being late to the party. But it seems you took care of him, eh?" The bipedal dog asked. It was clear to Quinn and her father including Dylan and his crew who it actually was as Quinn asked.

"Poodlewolf? The Poodlewolf?" Quinn wondered as they introduced themselves. "The one and only" He answers respectively. "Woah it's really him" Dylan said from a distance as Poodlewolf came closer to Quinn. "Say. I could use somebody like you back at Catatonia. To join me on my quest to defeat Lord Furball once and for all, is that something you might be interested in?" He offered the wolf princess the frozen hearing such an offer being given to her as she went back-and-forth between what to do.

"I- um- I" She stuttered, trying to figure a decision but turning around she saw Dylan and his friends standing there. She knew that although she brought the red dragon back and it defeated Jarvis, Dylan was the true hero to fight him one on one, she then looked back at Poodlewolf with her mind made up.

"Well actually. I wasn't the only one who stopped the king of the two tails" Quinn admitted before turning back to Dylan. "All of you... come forward" She told Dylan and the others who nodded before coming closer, seeing face to face with their idol. "You see. This is Dylan, Dylan the brave knight. Him and his crew were the ones to help me retrieve the sword of the dragons followed by bringing back the red dragon and his friends" She explained pointing upwards as they all saw the different colored dragons flying around the castle.

"If there were heroes strong enough to go with you, it would be them," Quinn added as she planted a kiss on Dylan's cheek before presenting once again to Poodlewolf with Dylan the knight, Dolly The Fearless Bruiser, Dawkins the Wise, Da Vinci the colorful and finally Hansel the handsome as he then approached Dylan.

"What do you say brave knight. You and your crew wanna join me?" Poodlewolf asked him. Dylan was stunned with excitement, all he could say was three words. "Oh my dog"


The scenery changed to the inside of an treehouse, presumably belonging to Dylan as He along with Dolly, Dawkins, Da Vinci and Hansel were gathered around in a circle playing a board game, the cover on the box saying PoodleWolf. "Looks like we won the game after all" Dylan said with an excited tone of voice as they collectively agreed with him.

"Yeah it was... an up-and-down roller coaster but a fun one at that" Dawkins gave his opinion. "So what did you think of the game, kid?" Dylan says, looking to his left to look at somebody who was next to Hansel. He was watching them play the game while his face became the look of confusion as he reacted with a "Uhhhh"

Dylan and the Dragon Princess

The end?

Dylan and the Dragon PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now