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As Nixon takes the driver's seat and Danica settles in the front, I find myself sitting in the back, feeling a mix of discomfort and resignation. Her bags had been loaded into the truck before we even made it downstairs, leaving us with no choice but to bring her back with us to avoid causing an uproar among the departing visitors.

Silence hangs heavily in the air as the engine roars to life, and the weight of the situation settles upon us like a heavy fog. I steal a glance at Danica, her gaze focused straight ahead, a sense of determination etched onto her features. Despite my own reservations and conflicting emotions, I can't help but respect her unwavering resolve.

The drive back to Havoc pack feels longer than usual, each passing mile an unspoken reminder of the tangled web we find ourselves in. Thoughts swirl in my mind, a mixture of guilt, uncertainty, and a lingering longing for my mate, Elliot. The internal struggle intensifies as I grapple with the realization that there are no easy solutions.

As we make the turn into the circle drive, I'm jolted out of my thoughts by a surprising sight. My eyes widen, and a mix of shock and confusion washes over me as I see Trevor and Trent holding up a massive "Congratulations!" sign. The rest of the pack members stand behind them, forming a semi-circle on the grass.

What the hell is going on? I can't wrap my head around this sudden show of support and celebration. I didn't expect a damn parade or a cheering squad when we arrived. It's like they're throwing a party for something I'm not even sure I want.

I step out of the truck, feeling the weight of their expectant gazes on me. Danica is already out, flashing a nervous smile at the pack. Yeah, she's got every reason to be nervous, considering the shitstorm we've found ourselves in.

The pack members approach, their grins plastered on their faces as they offer their congratulations. They mean well, I get it, but right now, I'm not in the mood for their cheers and well-wishes. I just need some goddamn space to figure things out.

Trevor and Trent clap me on the shoulder, their excitement practically oozing out of them. "Congratulations, man!" Trevor exclaims, his enthusiasm irritatingly contagious. "We're here to have your back, no matter what."

Their words are well-intentioned, but they don't understand the mess I'm in. How can I expect them to support me when I can't even make sense of my own damn feelings? I appreciate the sentiment, I really do, but it's hard to feel grateful when I'm drowning in uncertainty.

As I scan the pack members, my gaze lands on a familiar figure standing at the forefront—my mom. She strides forward with an air of excitement, her hand instinctively reaching for Danica's stomach. I watch in surprise as her eyes light up, and she exclaims, "Oh, you've got a little baby bump already!"

My mind races to process this unexpected sight. I mean, sure, I knew Danica was pregnant, but seeing that small mound protruding from her belly sends a wave of mixed emotions crashing over me. It's a tangible reminder of the reality that we're facing, and it hits me harder than I expected.

I stand there, my mind spinning with questions and uncertainties. The weight of responsibility bears down on me, threatening to suffocate my thoughts. It's overwhelming, to say the least.

I watch as my mom and Danica share a knowing glance, an unspoken bond forming between them. In that moment, I feel a strange mixture of comfort and apprehension. Their connection serves as a reminder that we're not alone in this, that there are people who will support us no matter what. But deep down, I can't shake the nagging feeling that I've been thrown into a situation that I'm not fully prepared for.

Once the excitement has dwindled and the pack members returned to their homes, Danica wastes no time in making herself at home. Without waiting for an invitation, she heads towards my wing of the packhouse, her steps determined and purposeful. I watch as she starts unpacking her belongings, neatly organizing them in the drawers and shelves.

I linger in the doorway, my mind still reeling from the events that have unfolded. It's strange seeing her here, in my personal space, as if we're already a couple bound by the responsibilities of our unexpected situation. A part of me resents her presence, feeling like I've been thrust into a life I wasn't prepared for. But another part of me understands that we're both tangled up in this mess together, and we have to find a way to make it work.

Danica moves with a sense of determination, her actions a stark contrast to the chaos inside my head. I should probably help her, make her feel welcome, but I can't seem to find the energy or the will to do so. Instead, I stand there, my gaze fixated on her, trying to make sense of this new reality.

I watch as she carefully arranges her clothes, her possessions, and small personal touches that make the space feel like hers. It's a strange feeling, knowing that this is now our space, our shared territory. It's as if the boundaries of my personal sanctuary have been breached, and I'm left grappling with a mix of discomfort and resignation. It had never bothered me before, but now knowing I had a mate and that she wasn't it— made my skin crawl to see her stuff everywhere.

Danica catches me staring, and for a moment, our eyes lock. There's a flicker of vulnerability in her gaze, a silent plea for understanding. I want to reach out, to offer her some kind of solace in this uncertain time, but I'm still grappling with my own conflicting emotions. I'm not sure if I can be the support she needs, not when my heart yearns for someone else.

With a heavy sigh, I step forward, mustering a small smile. "If you need any help, just let me know," I offer, saying this only because I know I should.

She nods, gratitude flickering in her eyes, and I can't help but wonder if we'll ever find a way to truly understand each other. For now, all we can do is take it one step at a time and hope that somehow, amidst the mess we've found ourselves in, we'll discover a path that leads to acceptance and, perhaps, even a glimmer of happiness.

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