Good as New

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And just like that the past three days had come and gone.

After a shower and a mile high stack of pancakes, I felt like a new woman.

And I was going to make Hunter Havoc regret ever walking out my door.

Sure he'd left me a note, but what kind of bs was that?

I needed to get out some of the aggression and general irritation my wolf and I felt towards him.

I hated his handsome face right now.

I was on my third lap around the pack lands when I smelled someone approaching.

Maybe I wasn't in the best mindset for entertaining guests at the moment, but my legs were set on autopilot headed straight for the pack house.

Somewhere deep down in my gut I hoped it was Hunter coming back to apologize and tell me he'd made a huge mistake.

And I knew I'd forgive him too.


When I stormed in through the back door I'd half expected to see Hunter standing there.

Instead, two young males were seated with my parents.

"Elliot, join us." My father's voice held its normal authority, but the look in his eyes was flooded with a new sensitivity.

Something about that set me on edge.

I was hesitant, but decided to join them as he'd asked.

"Hi." I said nervously eyeing the two guests as I sat down on the couch next to my mother.

"Miss Montgomery." One of the males nodded at me in recognition.

The boy that had spoken to me had wavy blonde hair and brown eyes. He was near my age if I had to guess, give or take a year or two.

"This is Nolan Johnson, Gamma from River Ridge." My father said as he motioned towards the blonde haired boy. "And Trevor McAndrews. They are here to deliver a personal invitation for the Luna's Ball. It's being hosted by River Ridge this year."

My eyes scanned over to the other boy, and he lowered his gaze instantly as recognition flooded my face.

He looked impossibly exhausted, and his gray eyes were now glued to the Persian rug that stretched across the great room.

He'd been the reason camp had come to a crashing halt.

I couldn't believe that the guy who'd marked his mate before camp ended was sitting in my pack house.

I guess in a way he was the reason for my current situation.

But, I kinda understood where he was coming from.


I'd felt the mate bond in all its glory. I understood what it could do to a person.

I sighed at the heaviness that weighed my chest.

Mom, noticing the awkwardness that suddenly flooded over the group, decided to interject her two bits into the conversation. "The theme this year is mascaraed. Won't that be fun!"

This would be my first ball since I was 7. The only reason I'd been allowed to attend then was the fact that my pact had hosted it that year.

I only remembered bits and pieces, but I knew that the Luna's Ball was a big deal.

My mom was looking at me expecting some sort of response. " Yea, mascaraed sounds pretty cool."

I wasn't really in the mood to be thinking about the Luna's Ball with the way things were between Hunter and I.

I hadn't as much as gotten a text or phone call from him in the past three days since he'd left.

Gamma Nolan plopped his hands down on his knees as he stood. "Well, it was certainly nice seeing the Montgomerys, but we'd better be on our way. Three more packs to visit before night fall."

After my parents saw our guests out, mom came and pulled me to her, wrapping me in a hug.

"I know it's hard right now, but things will work out. He'll be back. How could he not?"

I attempted a smile. "I'm fine. I promise."

I wasn't sure who I was really trying to convince.

Please feel free to comment. I'd love to hear your thoughts. Where do you think Hunter is? Why hasn't he contacted her?

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