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Glory was bored out of her mind. The rainwings would ask about the stupidest stuff, while the nightwings would ask for near-impossible stuff... to do. 

The most handsome Nightwing just walked into the hut "Hello, your majesty," The Nightwing joked. Glory stared before asking, "What is it, Deathbringer?" Glory... wasn't really in the mood. The day had been boring her every second, "I was just coming to say that you can rest since the meet the queen section is done for the day,"  He replied. Glory's scales turned to a happy pink. 

As soon as... Glory walked out of the hut, a yellow and pink rainwing tackled her "GLORY!" the energetic rainwing shouted, and Deathbringer growled quietly.

"Hey, Kink, what are you doing?" Glory asked. Kinkajou replied, "I got bored, so I came to see you" Glory cracked a smile, "Well, What do you want to do," she asked, "What about we go find fruit?" Kinkajou asked, ready to go, "Sure," Glory exclaimed as Kinkajou flew to find some.

"So you wanna go wait for me at the pavilion?" Glory asked Deathbringer. He nodded and flew away.

Kinkajou and Glory went out to find fruit until dawn when Glory finally decided she should go home.

Glory walked into her hut to see Deathbringer standing in the middle, she looked at him, confused, she asked, "What is it?" Deathbringer sighed, he had to tell Glory one day.

He started building up the courage to say it, "Ummm... G-Glory, I-I l-" he was cut off by Glory, "Just say it, and stop stuttering," Deathbringer just sighed and stared into her eyes " Glory, I- I l-love you, Glory, I love you" he repeated, Glory stared at him, magenta creeping into her scales "D-Deathbringer, you love me?" she asked again to make sure, Deathbringer nodded his head while looking at the floor, Glory tackled him into a hug whispering "I love you too, Deathy," her now magenta scales touching Deathbringer's black ones.

Glory pulled away from the hug to see Deathbringer's face... it was so red it made her drop to the floor in laughter. 

Deathbringer stared at her before asking, "What's so funny?" Glory stopped laughing before shrieking, "YOUR FACE, IT'S REDDER THAN A SKYWING'S!" and then continued to laugh. 

Deathbringer stomped on Glory's tail, making her yelp in pain, "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!" she yelped, now enraged. Deathbringer smirked and said, "To teach you, to shut up," while an enraged queen stared at him.

Tomorrow Morning

Glory woke up feeling someone's cool scales touching her back. She looked back, and she saw... Deathbringer?  She shoved him out of the bed. He hit the floor with a loud thud "OW!" Deathbringer yelped. 

He looked up to see an amused rainwing, "Sorry, you were in my bed,"  she said, Deathbringer smirked at her, "You invited me into it," he said amusingly as Glory attempted to hide the magenta seeping into her scales, but failed. 

Deathbringer got up and kissed Glory, making her scales turn light red, but quickly changed to magenta when she kissed back. 

Glory decided to pull away, making Deathbringer disappointed, which made Glory slightly amused. Breaking the silence, Glory asked, "What's wrong with you? 20 seconds ago, you were happy, and now you're disappointed," Deathbringer just rolled his eyes, Glory chuckled and left the hut.

A/N Well, that was the first part, let me know what you think. Bye.

556 words


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