Chapter 16: Apple and a Pinecone

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Raindrop wandered through the forest, collecting flowers to use for painting. Joy was with his father, Glory was doing queenly duties, and Hunter was with Twilight, as usual.

Raindrop knew Hunter had a crush on Twilight as he had the ability to read his brother's mind. However, he and Hunter could only read each other's minds, this is why they only have one tear drop scale. This power was unknown to everyone else, like Glory, Deathbringer, and Joy.

Raindrop bent down to pick up another flower when a pinecone hit him in the back of the head. As Raindrop fell to the ground, making a loud thud, he heard laughter coming from behind him. He looked back to see a sloth and a dragonet laughing at him. Raindrop stared into the dragonet's blue eyes. The red dragonet didn't notice his stare.

Raindrop quickly shook himself, prying his eyes off hers. His gaze then turned to the sloth. The sloth was brown with some dark orange mixed in. It was clear how the sloth got the name Pinecone. Raindrop was lost in his thoughts about the new dragonet and sloth.

"Who are you? I haven't seen you before," the dragonet remarked, swinging down from the tree and landing gracefully on the ground. Raindrop didn't answer. How didn't she know who he was? I'm the prince of the rainforest.

"Sorry about Pinecone. He doesn't like many dragons," The dragonet apologized. Raindrop looked confused but nodded in agreement.

"Oh!" the dragonet said in realisation, "You want my name. It's Apple. What's yours? Colourful wings? Your wings are REALLY colourful."

"Um. My name is Raindrop, not colourful wings," Raindrop mentioned. 

"Cool name! Can you make it rain? Can I call you Rainy?" Apple asked

"No, I can't make rain, and I guess you can call me Rainy," Raindrop replied.

"What do you like to do, Rainy?" She asked.

"I like to paint. I was finding flowers to use for painting," he replied, showing the flowers he had gathered. 

"Cool, I like to climb trees!" Apple exclaimed.

"Climb trees? Why don't you just fly up?" Raindrop asked.

"Because then you could see the world in a different way, dummy," Apple explained.

She studied him for a moment. And then a smile grew across her face. 

"That's it! Rainy, I'm going to teach you to climb a tree!" Apple declared. Raindrop grinned.

"So... are we like, um..." Raindrop trailed off, and Apple caught on.

"Friends?" she finished for him. "I've never had a friend before. I mean, except for Pinecone," she admitted.

"Oh, I have one,"

"Well, would you like to be my friend?" Apple asked.

"Sure, I'd love to be," Raindrop answered.


Raindrop landed on the platform at the same time Glory did.

"Hello, what did you do today?" Glory asked.

"I made a new friend!" Raindrop exclaimed.

"Really, what's his name," his mother asked.

"Her name is Apple," Raindrop corrected, "She has a sloth named Pinecone, and she's gonna teach me to climb trees!"

Glory looked at him, "Why would you need to climb trees when you could just fly around them?" she asked. Raindrop grinned at his mother.

"Apple said it's so you could see the world in a different way," Raindrop proclaimed. And I think I am, he added in his head.

A/N Well, that was fun. I'm guessing you already know what's going to happen with those two in the future, same with Hunter and Twilight.

524 Words


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