Chapter 29: Look who woke up

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The Prey Center launched into chaos as the stalactite fell from the ceiling, nearly hitting Icicle. Moon's head started hurting at all the worried thoughts from all the students there. She tried to focus and find the mind that wanted to kill Icicle. Someone grabbed her arm, it was Clawflyer, his face a mixture of horror and fear.

"Icicles working for Queen Scarlet," He said suddenly. "She's going to kill someone for her. But that wouldn't be the reason someone tried to kill her." Icicle's anger grew as it finally registered in Moon's head. Clawflyers' fear grew.

"Sora," they said in unison.

Qibli tried to make sense of all the chaos around them but couldn't understand why Clawflyer had gasped. He hadn't been looking anywhere near the stalactite when it fell. Does he have visions too? Moon bolted out of the room, and Qibli followed. Clawflyer stayed behind.


A dark shadow loomed over Euphoria. Euphoria stared into the shadow, the shadow wore a face of disappointment. The shadow lunged at Euphoria causing her to jump awake.

Euphoria looked around, breathing a sigh of relief. She looked around again and noticed Moon.

"How long was I out for?" Euphoria asked, rubbing her head.

"Uh, about 3 days," Moon said

Euphoria stared at Moon, with wide eyes, " WHAT!" She shrieked, jumping out of the bed, then immediately stopped, wincing with pain.

"Well, what happened while I was unconscious?" Euphoria asked. Moon sighed and looked around, "I have a secret that I need to tell you," Moon admitted.

Euphoria tilted her head and narrowed her eyes, "What is it?" she asked. Moon stared into Euphoria's eyes, sighed and said, "I have... visions... of the future..." She paused, and saw Euphoria's shocked expression, "And I can also... read minds." Moon finished.

Euphoria stared into Moon's eyes, "So, let me get this straight, you can hear what I'm thinking right now and you can see into the future?" Euphoria asked. Moon slowly nodded, hoping she wouldn't take it as badly as the others.

"Alright, I'll admit that's actually pretty cool. But also kind of disturbing." Euphoria said she looked back up at Moon. She seemed glad almost. "Well, you missed quite a bit," Moon admitted rubbing her neck. Euphoria tilted her head, "Like what?" She asked. Moon thought for a second, "You missed Sora's attempt to kill Icicle and then not long after that Icicle attempted to kill Starflight." Moon listed, making Euphoria giggle.

"Seems like I missed a lot. Please tell me more." Euphoria insisted.


"Winter seriously thinks you were the dragon that lit the dragon flame cactus?" Euphoria asked, dumbfounded. Moon nodded smiling, Euphoria surprisingly took it well. "We should probably go and find the others," Moon said, Euphoria nodded

The two walked through the halls towards the prey center, where Moon believed the others would be.

Moon and Euphoria walked into the prey center, and Moon led them over towards the others

"Hey, guys," Moon said, "Look who woke up," the others looked up. Kinkajou's eyes lit up, "Euphoria!" she exclaimed, leaping towards Euphoria. Euphoria dodged under Kinkajou, "I don't want hugs," she growled.

"Hey, Moon, did you tell Euphoria about Hunter and Twilight?" Joy asked Hunter rolled his eyes, and Euphoria raised an eyebrow, "What happened between them?" She asked.

"They're in lo-" Hunter cut Joy off, "We are not!" He denied, "We are just friends," Joy just smiled at him the others all stared at the two siblings, "Whatever you say, lovebird," Joy teased. Hunter stared at his sister, Joy stared back with a smile.

Euphoria looked at the two siblings, " So, are Hunter and Twilight dating or something?" Euphoria asked, Pearl laughed, "Practically. They just don't want to admit it."

As Joy and Hunter argued the rest of the winglet talked.

Euphoria looked around at the rest of her winglet and noticed a certain dragonet was missing. "Where's Winter?" She asked. The others looked at her and realised that Winter wasn't with them.

Qibli looked around the group, "Does anyone have any idea where he could be?" The others all talked but had no answers, Deep looked at all the others, and he remembered something. "Uh..." Deep started as everyone looked towards him, "You know his scavenger, Bandit, his cage wasn't in our sleeping cave when we left."

Qibli instantly knew where Winter went.

A/N Well, hello. Just want to say sorry for the long wait of 2 months I've had huge writer's block, and I've recently started to referee basketball which has been limiting the time I have to write.

709 words


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