Chapter 12: Don't Piss An Assassin off

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A/N I'm taking an entire chapter for another OC.

Euphoria was in the rainforest with her mother, Blossom. They were gathering fruit together. Even though Euphoria had enough food from the Scorpion Den.

Euphoria's father had died during the war, to Nightwings. Euphoria hated all the Nightwing after that, resulting in her leaving her Nightwing teacher.

Her mother loved her father, Dingo, but Dingo was out at the Scorpion Den... a lot. He was an assassin before Euphoria was born. Euphoria was just continuing Dingo's life as an assassin, but she did go for food instead of gold.

Euphoria asked for food since she couldn't last long without food and water like a regular sandwing.

The rainwing stomach annoyed her, but she got plenty of food from all her jobs.

This assassin was still a dragonet with a high success rate. She had only ever failed a couple.

One was to assassinate a young dragonet named Qibli, but he was too close to Thorn's side.

Another was an attempt on a gang leader named Scorpio. She ended up leaving the job as she decided it would be too risky, although she did kill Scorpio's wife, Ash.

Her high success rate made her very popular. Her popularity resulted in more successful missions, with around 250 being close.

Euphoria was travelling back to the Scorpion Den when she saw a sandwing who lunged out of the sand at her. 

She was able to get out of the sandwing's hold. Making the sandwing's barb stab into the sand.

The sandwing looked over at Euphoria, who had him pinned before he could react.

"What do you want?" Euphoria growled.

"Why would you care?" The sandwing gritted through his teeth.

"Because I would like to know why you attacked me," Euphoria reasoned. 

"Fine, do you remember a dragon named Drought?" The anonymous sandwing growled back.

"uh..." She began before being rudely interrupted by the sandwing, "Of course, you don't. None of you assassins remembers your targets,"

"Wait, was that Captain Drought? of the Sandwings?" Euphoria asked.

The sandwing scowled and nodded, annoyed that Euphoria remembered her target, proving him wrong.

"Why do you care? Oh, family?" Euphoria thought out loud.

"He was my brother, you FUCKING MONSTER!" He roared.

"Woah... tell me your name first," Euphoria said, offended.

"It's Barb," Barb mentioned, still scowling.

"Well, Barb, I'm sorry. It's my job, and since you fucked with the wrong dragon, here is a little injury to remind you to never FUCK with ME!" She remarked as she ripped off Barb's tail barb. Barb roared in pain. Euphoria wore a deadpan expression, "Learnt your lesson?" She asked.

"No, I won't stop until you or I are dead," Barb got out through gasps of pain.

Euphoria's cold glare was stuck on his face.

"Well, why don't I rip one of your eyeballs out?" Euphoria deadpanned as Barb pleaded for mercy.

Euphoria ignored his pleas and ripped an eyeball out of its socket.

The assassin left an injured Barb wailing in the sand, hoping he would have learned his lesson since Euphoria didn't appreciate the attack.

Euphoria was known never to be messed with. As most dragons who did, came away with a lovely scar.

The Scorpion Den... always crowded, she thought, which was Euphoria's least favourite thing about the Scorpion Den since she had huge claustrophobia. No one knew about her phobia except her mother and her father.

Euphoria was hoping to get some targets that she could kill, but she didn't expect the first target to be the princes of the rainforest.

Coyote had been happy when he saw Euphoria, but his excitement died down with her answer.

Euphoria declined his offer since she respected Glory too much. She didn't exactly... like Deathbringer, but she liked him more than most nightwings.

Deathbringer was Euphoria's teacher. Without him, she would be as lazy as a rainwing.

Coyote didn't like her response and kept raising the price, but Euphoria wasn't in the mood.

"Do you know what FUCKING NO means?" Euphoria asked furiously.

Coyote stared at her, "Do you know who I am?" Coyote asked, starting to get irritated.

Euphoria stared back at him, "Well, do you know who I am? Yes? Then you should know to listen when I say FUCKING no," Euphoria retorted, pinning him to a wall. All eyes were on them now.

Coyote started getting scared but didn't show it as Euphoria pulled out a knife and pointed at his throat, "Well, what do you want? The same treatment as your mother's? Quick and painless death?" Euphoria asked, with a sinister grin that found its way onto her face.

"What do you mean by my mother had a quick and painless death?" Coyote asked. Euphoria laughed at him, "You don't know? Well, let me tell you something, I was the one who killed her," Euphoria deadpanned.

Coyote's eyes widened, "You... WHAT!" He shrieked, "Well, I take that as a scar? Or a possible slow and painful death," She said, stabbing the knife into Coyote's side... spluttering blood on her, Coyote and the ground. She slashed down his side, missing anything vital so he had a chance of survival. Coyote howled with pain as Euphoria finally yanked the knife out of Coyote.

Euphoria dropped the shrieking gang leader, leaving Coyote to die from blood loss or to survive with a massive scar to remind him... never to mess with her.

Euphoria attempted to escape the crowd before any Dragon-bite members could find her... just her luck... There were two... right in front of her. She looked them over, seeing their trembling talons, and noted they were no threat.

A/N I'm so happy with how this turned out. I'm not saying if Coyote survives since I believe I used to say too many spoilers. I can't believe I wrote this much at 9 p.m. on a Friday. I'll be honest, I was going to leave this around the part where Euphoria left Barb in the desert, but I decided to keep writing and came out with this.

955 Words, My new longest


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