53 Arnav and Khushi

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Part 53 Arnav and Khushi

Khushi was lying over Lavanya who was shouting.

"Who the hell spilled oil on the stairs? What's happening in this house? Everyone turned into a moron or what?"

Khushi moved away from Lavanya and tried to get up. Arnav rushed to them and lifted her, clutching her shoulders. Everyone gathered in the living room.

"Hisss..." she hissed, pressing her waist.

"What happened, Khushi?" Arnav asked.

"It's hurting," she said making a painful face.

Arnav glanced at Nani, gritting his teeth.

Anjana and Manorama helped Lavanya to get up.



"I can't move my leg," Lavanya's eyes tear up.

"Akash, could you please pick Lavanya in your arms?" Anjana requested.

Maya and Akash spared a glance whereas Lavanya's face lit.

"Please, help her, Akash bituwa," Manorama pleaded.

Without any choice left, Akash picked her up in his arms and walked to her room.

"I'm ready to get hurt often if I get such a chance" She whispered, smiling, forgetting her pain.

Akash walked not looking at her. Others followed them.

"Khushi, will you walk, or do you want me to pick you up?" Arnav asked.

"I will walk" She held his shoulder, making him smile.

She walked with his support. Nani followed them. Arnav made her sit on the bed and sat next to her. Nani locked the door and came to them. Arnav called the doctor and disconnected the call.

"How did you fall down Khushi?" Arnav asked.

"I headed to our room. In that, I didn't notice the oil on the stairs as it was not visible on the white marble. I stepped on it and was about to fall down, Lavanya crossed the stairs at the same time. She rushed to me and clutched my hand, and tried to save me. I had fallen on her from the stairs, missing my balance. Poor she, got injured because of me" Khushi literally felt sad for Lavanya.

Arnav saw restlessness in Nani's face and he knew why.

"Do you think, what I think, Nani?"

"Yes, Chotte. I don't think this is an accident"

"I too think the same, Nani. Someone would have poured oil on the stairs intentionally to make Khushi injure to stop the further ritual"

"Yes, Chotte. As you said the goons had known about the holy thread, they should have known about your first night effect too..."

Arnav became thoughtful.

"That means, it's confirmed, someone in this house is working against me," Arnav said.

Nani felt bad.

"I'm sorry, Chotte, I thought they will be your supporters. They will stand for you. That's why I brought them to RM. But now, they made me feel ashamed of them" Nani choked.

"There is no use in talking about the past happenings, Nani. Don't feel bad"

"I think they should have known about Khushi's special power. We should be more careful."

"What do you want us to do, Nani? If we can't even walk freely in our house, what kind of life is this?" Arnav said disappointedly while removing his phone. He called Aman. He attended it right away.

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