Letter 1

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This is the day God made, and it is good—Praise the Lord of heaven and earth.

Lord, I leave my worries at your feet and let go of my uncertainties. Do not allow negativity to sap my energy and cause depression but enable Your light to settle in my soul, so I can exult and rejoice in Your name.

Help me succeed in all my endeavours, please. Allow my body to heal and my health to return.

Negative emotions break us down, and positive emotions build us up. Help me focus on the positive and let go of the negative—because you are in control.

You are my God, and I am safe with you. You counted every hair on my head, and not a single one will fall if it is not your will.

Through your Grace, I am the head and not the tail. In You, I am a conqueror because You have achieved the victory. No weapon formed against me shall prosper because You are my God and Protector.

Your plans give us a purpose, make us prosper and do not harm us, giving us hope and a future.

I am a part of You because You are a part of me. In You, Father, there is no darkness; thus, there is no darkness in me. Through You, I am able to do all. Praise Your Holy Name.

You are my Father that loves me with a forever love. You planted love inside me, along with faith and grace, giving me everything I need to serve You.

I am thankful, beloved Father and Creator, that you created a clean heart in me. You declared me righteous and holy, and I am no longer Your enemy but Your beloved child whom You welcome in Your Holy Presence.

Thank you, Lord God, for your Spirit that guides, teaches, and speaks for me when I cannot speak for myself. Your Spirit prays for me and rises inside me to fight on my behalf. Your Grace saved me from death and released me from the yoke of my sins.

You created me anew through the water which baptized me and the blood on the cross—I am blameless and without stain like the Lamb.

Your Living Word opened my eyes to Your wonders. It allowed me to absorb Your teachings, opened my heart to Your message, and made my soul fertile ground for the seed of faith to grow and flourish.

We believe because You gave us faith to trust, even when we cannot see Your plan, and taught us to hold on because You are our anchor. Praise the Lord.

Thank you, Jesus, for your life, death, guidance, and resurrection, which made all of this possible.

We were lost and without hope, but You found us and saved us, and we praise Your Holy Name.

Allow joy to wake in us like a fragrant garden, and let us strive toward it and seek it in every moment.

Help me leave behind the sorrow, loss, strife, adversity, negativity, lack of faith, small-mindedness, untrustworthiness, thoughtlessness, and difficulty of the past. Give me the strength to close the chapter and never open it again.

Allow me to see happiness in that which has passed, not sadness. Lead me to remember the good and keep it close to my heart. You are my rock, my safe harbour, and I thank You for it.

Praise the Lord who made heaven and earth and finds joy in me, His child. You keep me safe, Father, and you look after me. Let Your light shine in my heart and life, allowing me to rejoice and praise Your Holy Name.

Your Grace is sufficient for this day and every day—praise the God of Israel, Moses, and David, who also brought me through my desert and to my promised land.

Jesus, You are amazing. God, my Father, your love is never-ending.

Speak life over Your children today. Bless us and allow us to acknowledge you in every moment, Lord God.

Keep Your hand over my family, friends, acquaintances and fellow believers, as only You can, because You are the only True God. In the Name of the Almighty Creator, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, through the blood on the cross, and the Living Water of life by Your love and grace, I offer this prayer to you, Lord God, in Jesus' Name.

Peace be with you. 

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