Letter 10

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Dear Lord, take me from these old paths and lead me unto Your path. I am tired of wandering the wastelands like the Israelites wandered the desert.

I have travelled these broken roads for more than forty years now, Lord, bring me unto my promised land. Let me leave behind all that hampers me. Let me be renewed in You: a new person free of everything that darkened my soul.

Do not allow me to keep looking back until I turn into a pillar of salt. Do not allow me to turn back and be unfit for Your kingdom.

Release me from these broken chains, O Lord. Release me from these shattered dreams, my Savior. Put my feet on Your righteous path and lead me toward You, always onward toward You, Father.

Help me to be trustworthy in the little things, so I would be trustworthy with big things.

Help me allow You to fight my fights. Teach me to surrender unto You, but fight the worldly influences.

The sins of the world lead to death, but Your path is the road to redemption and life. I confess that I have done much to grieve You, Father, but please welcome this travel-worn child back into your home.

I am weary and burdened beyond my own power. I bring my heavy load unto You, Lord God, and kneel at Your feet, too tired to continue.

Lift my burdens, renew and refresh me, wash me whiter than snow, and let me find rest in You. Let me crave more than the bread and water that only sustains the body.

Let me eat of the bread of Your word, and drink from the fountain of life so I'll never hunger and thirst again.

Bring your Holy Spirit unto me Lord, and fill me to the brim. I surrender, Lord, all that I am and was. Remake me in Your image. Let me no longer be a slave to fleeting earthly pleasures for I belong to You, and a slave cannot have two masters.

I choose You, Jesus Christ, my Savior.

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