Prologue (3/3)

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Y/N and Arcee fought together for some time now, making a name for themselves on Cybertron, they quickly became the crowd's favorites and important figureheads were starting to take notice. But not all important figureheads were good. They attracted some bad figureheads too that wanted to exploit them. But overall, they were doing good. Y/N only had one bad moment with Arcee, and the bad moment was when she told him about Tailgate, Y/N is the person that would not care much for a femme that already had a sparkmate, but this time it hurt his spark, because in all that time they fought together he developed feelings for her, his spark was finding a way to her spark, he did not know if she felt the same way, but then she told him about Tailgate and his spark shattered into small pieces, and his hope for a femme fallen apart quickly, however, he still liked her. And to add insult to injury, in the same week she told him of Tailgate, she dragged him out to meet Tailgate, of course with the arena master's permission, because Y/N was very much still a property of the arena. The only plus this trip had was that he finally saw how Cybertron really looked, this was his first time outside mines and Arena and he loved that. Y/N and Arcee were even stopped a few times on the streets for autographs. People seemed to like them, at least in this sector of the planet.

Y/N and Arcee even got some upgrades. Y/N got inbuilt swords and shields into his hands and got better armor. While Arcee got herself blades that were sticking out of the sides of her arms and were retractable and she got inbuild blasters. However, both of them still carried their normal non-inbuilt weapons with them into the fight and used their upgrades only if they were necessary. However Y/N still lacked his alt form, Arcee had one from creation, she was a motorcycle, she got that upgrade early in her life, while Y/N as an expendable Decepticon never got the chance to get himself an alt form.

When Y/N met Tailgate, both were quite reserved, Y/N because he had a crush on Arcee, Tailgate's sparkmate and Tailgate was salty at Y/N for spending so much time with his sparkmate. both did not like each other at the beginning, but then Arcee brought them together for a beer and they both made up. Tailgate was in the end glad that Y/N made sure Arcee was alright in the arena during each match even taking some hits for her. And Y/N was glad that Arcee was happy, and he did not want her to feel sad or angry, even if it meant not continuing his advances on her. He was a Decepticon after all, he was nothing more than property, she would be better off with Tailgate, that was what Y/N told himself to ease the pain at least a little bit.

The public however still thought that the infamous Thunderslash and Gunslinger were together as sparkmates. Of course, many thought it was disgusting for an Autobot femme to degrade herself to a relationship with Decepticon. But at least some thought it was romantic. Their fan-made relationship was mostly popular in Decepticon ranks, miners, and gladiators, a lot of Decepticon looked to Y/N as a hope for an equal life, where Autobots and Decepticons could live side by side. But most of them really just imagined Y/N as a gladiator that subdued some Autobot femme and now had her like a trained dog.

Today was however special for Y/N and Arcee, even if they did not know it.

Both Arcee and Hanzo were at the training grounds, practicing sparing against each other. Hanzo was teaching Arcee on how to fight better in melee, while Arcee was trying to make Y/N better at shooting from blasters.

While they were in a melee practice match, they got interrupted by the doors of the training grounds opening and 6 heavy armed guards entering. They immediately stopped and looked at the guards, but behind them stood a Cybertronian in shadows, he was visibly taller and bigger than the Autobot guars. When he finally stepped out into the training field, Y/N's optics went wide and Arcee just stood in shock. Before them stood Megatronus, tall and proud. Y/N was up to his upper chest, while Arcee was utterly dwarfed by Megatronus, he could hold her in his hand with no problem. Y/N stared in Awe and Arcee in shock as Megatronus finally spoke.

Transformers Prime: Tale of 2 sparkmates (Male Cybertronian reader x Arcee)Where stories live. Discover now