Chapter 3 Episode 2 Final

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In the Autobot base.

Groundbridge was open and from it arrived 3 vehicles, however before Ratchet could close it he noticed that One Autobot and one... deception were missing.

Ratchet: Optimus! Where are Arcee and Y/N?

Optimus: Keep the bridge open Ratchet.

Then as they transformed and waited looking at the ground bridge a beeping was heard from one of the scenes.

Ratchet: Optimus, we have to close the ground bridge, systems detect a rapidly approaching explosion, it can hit us!

Optimus: Close the ground bridge at my command Ratchet.

Optimus waited for a second, and another second...

Optimus: Wait for it...

Then finally his optics spotted a figure appearing.

Optimus: Close the ground bridge!

As Y/N finally fully emerged from the ground bridge, it quickly lost behind him, however, some blue flames still hit his back.

Ratchet: Cutting it a bit close.

However at that line, Y/N did not have a response, he just walked slowly more and more into the base.

Raf: He seems wounded.

Y/N: The only thing wounded is my pride, my armor took most of the explosion, at least I hope, I can't exactly check when carrying a precious package. 

Y/N then unveiled his arms to reveal curled-up Arcee, however, this movement also made him grunt.

Ratchet: It's obvious that you are injured, come to the repair bay and I will patch you and Arcee up.

Y/N: Arcee is unscratched, but she needs to rest, a lot has happened to her in such a short amount of time. As for me, thanks Ratchet, but I will patch myself up.

Optimus: Are you sure Y/N? Ratchet here was one of the best doctors before the war, he will fix you without a problem.

Y/N: Thanks, but my answer remains the same, I survived way worse and I patched myself up every time without fail. So, where is the repair bay where I can drop off Arcee?

Ratchet then led Y/N to the repair bay where Y/N laid her down, however as he did so, he saw some purple on her.

Y/N: Ratchet, are you seeing what I'm seeing?

Ratchet: Seeing what?

Y/N then with his finger ran down Arcees forearm taking some purple liquid.

Y/N: It does look like an energon, but an energon is not purple.

Ratchet then starts scanning Arcee, noticing another puddle on her wrist joint.

Ratchet: Did you see what she touched?

Y/N: Only cons in combat, but their energon is normally blue, other than that she touched Cliffjumper, however, he was cut in half, and only half of his upper body with one arm remained, and yet he was alive somehow, my guess is that it had to do with this.

Ratchet then scraped off more of the substance into a container.

Ratchet: She should get a decontamination bath.

Y/N: I will go to my ship to patch myself up.

Ratchet then turned to Y/N examining him, noticing a bunch of rock embedded into his armor, but one energon spike was embedded into his side, the cause of his grunts, that now could be seen.

Transformers Prime: Tale of 2 sparkmates (Male Cybertronian reader x Arcee)Where stories live. Discover now