Chapter 6 Episode 6

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Decepticon ship. 

(I see you there, you know who I am speaking to, and If you comment correction once again I swear I am going to lose it even if I appreciate it.)

On board the ship Starscream called a meeting on the backup bridge of the ship. Behind him was playing a recording of the space bridge exploding and imploding on itself, consuming Megatron. 

Starscream: Such a shame, but I applaud you Megatron. You certainly made a grand exit.

Soundwave then came behind Starscream

Starscream: Ah Soundwave, cue the audiovisual. I wish to address the troops. Suddenly all control screens on the bridge and all around the ships were replaced with a camera feed of Starscream.

Starscream: The loss of Megatron, leader of the great Decepticon uprising is certainly a blow to our cause. Yet, we mustn't despair over his tragic demise, but instead embrace his ultimate sacrifice and build upon the foundation he laid with an even mightier hand.

Suddenly one random deception warrior stepped forward on the bridge.

Decepticon warrior: With all due respect Commander Sta-

Decepticon then sighs.

Decepticon warrior: Lord Starscream.

Starscream looked annoyed at the warrior and waved his hand for him to continue.

Starscream: Yes, yes, what is it?

Decepticon warrior: If we failed to conquer Earth under Lord Megatron's command what hope do we have now while the Autobots still Defend it, not to mention that we have been lied to by Megatron about Y/N's survival and his unexplained switching of sides?

Starscream growled annoyed and angry, especially at the mention of Y/N since he knew he held a much bigger claim to the cause than he did.

Starscream: Allow me to be crystal clear. I studied for millennia under our former master, thus I'm equipped to lead you. I, Megatron's true heir, Lord Starscream. Emperor of destruction.

Starscream raised his hand up with a fist, trying to look as imposing as he could, but in the crowd a whispers of Y/N were going through the ranks.

When there was no cheering to be heard Starscream angrily threw his hand down, grunted, and walked off so he couldn't be seen with Soundwave right behind him.

Starscream: What use our troops who can't rise to the task of inflicting unspeakable destruction in my name, but wait!

Starscream dragged his claws along his chin seemingly thinking of something.

Starscream: Legend tells of one capable warrior, one who exists here on this very planet, one who could be my student and match the combined fighting prowess of Y/n and Optimus.

Starscream grew a devilish grin thinking about his next move.

In the Autobot base, Omega 1

Optimus was on the edge of the platform looking seemingly into nothingness, into the rocky wall, soon he was joined by Y/N and Ratchet.

Ratchet: Optimus, why so glum? This planet, all planets is finally free from Megatron's tyranny and Y/N can take over Decepticons and there finally will be peace.

Y/N: Yeah, nobody can survive such an explosion... except me of course, but that was 1 in a quadrillion chance. The point is, that we should be celebrating.

Optimus: I do not disagree, It's just that a small part of me hoped to change Megatron's mind. Not extinguish his spark.

Ratchet: Optimus, his vileness was not slain by your hand but by his own twisted arrogance.

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