Chapter 7 episode 7

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Somewhere in the Arctic Bumblebee, Y/N and Bulkhead were walking on a cliff, Bulkhead watching his detector devise in his hand.

Bumblebee: Complaining beeps.

Bulkhead: No, we are not there yet. But it should be just past this ridge.

Y/N walked up to the ridge and looked down immediately spotting the black dot under the ice.

Y/N: We have it.

Y/N then slid down coming to a stop in front of the target. Bumblebee and Bulkhead follow suit.

Bulkhead looked at the ice and at the dot under it.

Bulkhead: Well, this will be a pain in the aft to extract.

Bumblebee: Worried beeping.

Y/N: Don't worry. I have my ways of doing things, but first off I have to check if this ice is deep enough, I don't want to send whatever this is to the bottom of very cold ocean, Arcee would make me swim for it.

Bulkhead: What exactly are you, you and Arcee I mean?

Y/N took a device from his hip and aimed it next to the spot.

Y/N: What do you mean? We are partners in fighting, just like back in the arena, just... in different circumstances. Nothing more, nothing less. Why are you asking anyway?

The device that Y/N was holding started emitting a laser and it started cutting a hole around the pod.

Bulkhead: It just seems, like you know, you two are together, by the way, you are interacting, I have never seen Arcee so... worried about someone, she truly cares, deeply cares.

Y/N: That is probably only because I died on that ship, at least in everyone's eyes, and I returned, that must have been shocking for her, an emotional trainwreck, with everything that happened to her, besides... Arcee deserves a better bot than me.

Bulkhead: Why do you call yourself a bad bot, yes by Autobot views you are, you killed a lot of warriors, even some from my unit... But I wouldn't say you would view yourself as a bad bot.

Y/N: As you said, I have a lot of energon on my hands, she deserves someone more... innocent.

Bulkhead: Why didn't you do something while you were gladiator then, you did not have that much energon on your hands then.

Y/N: She already had Tailgate, she was happy, so I was happy.

Bulkhead: So you wanted her to be your sparkmate.

Y/N froze, not realizing Bulkhead would be smart enough to catch him off-guard with these questions, however thankfully for Y/N, he just finished cutting up a large cube of ice.

Y/N: Ok enough of chit-chat, we have a job to do.

Y/N bent down and gripped the large cube with all his strength and lifted it up onto the surface.

Bulkhead and Bee went and grabbed the cube along with Y/N and they started moving back to the extraction point. But before they got there Y/N turned around to Bee and Bulkhead.

Y/N: Not a word of this conversation leaves this wretched place, that goes for you too Bee, you may have been quiet the entire conversation, but I'm certain you listened in, after all, there was nothing else to do.

Bumblebee nodded and Y/N looked at Bulkhead who eventually nodded too, and with that, they continued now to the open ground bridge. 

When they finally arrived at the base they sat the container down in the storage space of the base and Ratchet immediately hooked them up on medical devices.

Transformers Prime: Tale of 2 sparkmates (Male Cybertronian reader x Arcee)Where stories live. Discover now