Chapter 12: the beginning of the end

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I am sorry for my late.

A/N: English is not my first language، so excuse me for any typing mistakes.

'Cero.' thinking

"Cero." talking

"Cero." And 'cero.' Important talk.

cero. Memories of the past

"Cero." Techniques

«cero.» places

*cero.* sounds

[Cero.] Murciélago

"Cero." Scary voice / lacrima / strong Voice.


Hidden away in the East Forest of Magnolia one will find a tree house that is home to an old friend of Master Makarov. She is Porlyusica, a semiactive long time member of the Fairy Tail guild and a highly skilled healer, but she lives a life of seclusion because of her hatred of mankind. Her specialty is in the treatment of ailments that were caused by magic, which is exactly why Master Makarov had been brought to her by Alzack and Bisca.

Porlyusica prepared a potion for Makarov, but then proceeded to slap his unconscious form across the face "That was long overdue and well deserved."

"Hey!" Alzack and Bisca didn't waste any time rounding on her "What the hell did you do that for? We wanted you to cure our master, not make him worse!"

"It's what he deserves for pushing himself as hard as he did at his age, honestly he's such an old fool. In the meantime don't you two think you should be leaving now, I'm sick of looking at the two of you !"

"Well can you at least tell us what his condition is? We want to do what we can to help you take care of him."

"Just go home already, those ridiculously worried looks on your faces will only aggravate his condition. These symptoms suggest someone used a powerful wind spell on him, my guess would have to be the spell known as Drain. This is a terrible spell that drains its victims of all of their magical abilities, their powers then drift along with the wind until they have completely dissipated.If you only you had been able to gather Makarov's powers when they were initially drained then he could've recovered quickly, but as things stand now it'll take quite a great deal longer."

"How long do you think? I'm sure the others will want to know."

Porlyusica paused, then rounded on Alzack and Bisca again "Why the hell are the two of you still here?"

"I'm sorry but I thought you were talking to us all this time maam!"

"Of course I wasn't talking to you, I can't stand the stink of you! Now get the hell out of my house already, go on and move it dammit!" she started shooting them away with a broom.

"Well bye real nice talking to you- Hey Bisca wait for me!"

Once they were gone, Porlyusica looked down at the sleeping form of Makarov "You've always been quite the troublemaker haven't you? The magic of a wizard is intertwined with the very essence of his life, the greater his power is the more devastating the Drain spell will be. You're going to have to fight with everything you've got or this may very well be your deathbed, you really are such a stubborn and pig headed old fool."

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«Magnolia Town, Fairy Tail guildhall»

Around this time, everyone, including Natsu, Happy and Lucy, had returned to the guild hall to lick their wounds and wounded pride, as well as discuss their next move.

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