Chapter 15: triple six alliance

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Free palestine

'Cero.' thinking

"Cero." talking

"Cero." And 'cero.' Important talk.

cero. Memories of the past

"Cero." Techniques

«cero.» places

*cero.* sounds

[Cero.] Murciélago


«Magnolia Town, Fairy Tail»

Ulquiorra and all the members of the Fairy Tail guild were doing construction work, as what was left of the old building was demolished in order to build a new guildhall. Of course, magic made construction work much easier.

But why does Ulquiorra do construction work? Well, he needs money to pay off his debts, and the only way to do that is to work.

'This is awful.' Ulquiorra thought as he went about his work. He wasn't the type to whine or complain a lot, but this situation was very annoying even for someone like Ulquiorra.

[Amigo, like it or not, this is your fault.]

'I don't need you to remind me.'

[I'm serious. If it continues like this, you will be paying off debt forever.]

Ulquiorra sighed softly before continuing to work. Although he wouldn't say it out loud, Murciélago is right.

The former Espada sensed someone approaching; This is Erza. Instead of taking any action, Ulquiorra continued working but without lowering his guard. After Erza arrived and started working with the former Espada, Ulquiorra couldn't figure out the red-haired witch's intentions, that's why he remained silent.

After a few minutes...

"Thank you." Erza suddenly spoke.

Ulquiorra stopped and looked at Erza.

"I'm still angry at you, most of the guild members are still angry. But we can't deny that we owe you our thanks." Erza spoke.

"I did what had to be done." Ulquiorra answered simply. "But I don't think you came just to thank me."

Erza was a little confused but quickly answered. "When we were in Ira, you seemed completely unconcerned; at that time, your almost impertinent actions were not due to arrogance or indifference, you knew very well what you were doing." Erza was silent for a moment. "What I want to say is... how strong are you?"

"If I wanted to, I could turn this kingdom into a deep chasm within weeks. But since this kingdom has a lot of coastline, it is likely that this chasm will fill with water, and then the kingdom will become part of the ocean." Ulquiorra answered immediately. "Although I don’t know if I can face the four Gods of Ishgar at once but I am quite sure that I am capable of defeating them in a one-on-one battle."

Erza was completely surprised. "How can you be so sure?"

"When I came to this world, I knew that the Magic Council would try to suppress me and bring me under their control, so I prepared five plans so that I could deal with them in case they decided to pull some tricks; but after that Meeting, I was able to make some adjustments to my previous plans. In addition to creating three other plans." Ulquiorra answered.

Ezra could do nothing but keep her mouth open, this person never failed to make her surprised. On the other hand, this might seem a bit extreme but after a little thought Erza knew that Ulquiorra was absolutely right, only fools wander into another world without a good plan.

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