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I am sorry for my late.

A/N: English is not my first language، so excuse me for any typing mistakes.

'Cero.' thinking

"Cero." talking

"Cero." And 'cero.' Important talk.

cero. Memories of the past

"Cero." Techniques

«cero.» places

*cero.* sounds

[Cero.] Murciélago

"Cero." Scary voice / lacrima / strong Voice.


"Dead wave!"


The two attacks collided with each other, causing a powerful explosion that sent the room into chaos, as the two attacks were equal in strength.

Jose and Ulquiorra lunged at each other and began throwing punches and kicks; Unexpectedly, Jose demonstrated muscular strength and prowess in hand-to-hand combat, things that would be impossible for a man of Jose's age to do. Although Ulquiorra was a little surprised, he quickly remembered that the Ten Saint Wizards were extraordinarily powerful people.

Ulquiorra launched a horizontal kick, but Jose dodged it by bending his back in an unnatural way, but he quickly leaned forward and directed a punch at Ulquiorra's face, whose defense was open. Ulquiorra was pushed back several meters before crashing hard into a solid wall; At the same time, Jose felt some pain in his fist, feeling as if he had punched a steel wall.

Just two seconds after hitting the wall, Ulquiorra again charged at Jose, but this time he used his new attack.

"puño de titán."

Jose quickly created a barrier magic to protect him from that attack. Jose seemed quite confident in his ability to handle this attack, as this barrier was the same barrier that protected him from the Cero, which meant that a physical attack like puño de titán would not pose any problem for this barrier; After all, magical techniques are superior to physical techniques.

This is true, but Jose seems to have forgotten that exceptional cases are possible.

After a few seconds, the barrier began to crack due to the immense pressure exerted by Ulquiorra's fist.

"What?!" Jose looked completely shocked.

At this moment, the barrier was broken causing Ulquiorra's fist to successfully make its way to Jose's face; This sent Jose crashing through the wall that was holding him back, which in turn led to the Saint Wizard's body being buried under a large pile of rocks.

puño de titán may not be as destructive as the Cero, but when it comes to hitting the enemy it is more effective, as this attack directs all the force expended at one point, unlike the Cero which covers a wide range, making its effect less than the puño de titán.

Jose pulled himself out of the rubble and dusted off his coat, which was somewhat damaged. Despite his bad condition, he was smiling. ''I can't remember the last time I got hit by someone.''

"It seems that your advanced age has made you forget the bitter defeat you received after your battle against Makarov." Ulquiorra answered simply.

Jose's smile disappeared and was replaced by an angry face. "That was six years ago!" Jose shouted angrily.

''So you remember.''

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