Chapter 16: memories of Numb heart

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«In the forest, near Magnolia Town.»

Kagura was holding a large, heavy wooden sword, swinging it over and over without stopping. Meanwhile, Ulquiorra was standing near her holding a long wooden ruler.

It has been Two weeks since that day.

Ulquiorra couldn't help but remember what happened a two weeks ago. A few hours after the end of that fight, unexpectedly, Ulquiorra received a telegram from the master of the Mermaid Heel guild stating that the guild would pay a good sum of money every week to make Kagura an excellent mage.

The Mermaid heel Guild Master's action was logical. The man who would supervise the training of one of Mermaid heel's members is the same man who had defeated two of the Ten Saint Mages and attracted everyone's attention. The money had been given to ensure that Kagura was trained well, as well as to improve the relationship between Mermaid heel and Ulquiorra.

Although Ulquiorra did not expect to receive anything in return, he accepted the money. After all, this made it easier for him to relieve his debts.

One of Ulquiorra's lessons exposes Kagura to the essence of the sword. ‘‘To wield it, you must first bear its weight.”

Kagura spends days lifting and swinging wooden swords of increasing weight, each designed to build her strength and understanding of balance. This foundational lesson, although exhausting, ignites a deeper passion in Kagura for the path she has chosen.

However, Kagura's training is not without its conflicts. Tired, sore, and occasionally overwhelmed, she finds reasons to whine and complain, voicing her frustrations aloud more often than not. Each time she does, Ulquiorra, maintaining an unnervingly calm demeanor, responds not with words but with a swift hit on the head using a wooden ruler. "Focus, Kagura. Whining won't make the sword lighter," he would say, a lesson in discipline over complaints.

One evening, after a particularly grueling session, Kagura couldn't contain her frustration. "Why must it be so heavy? Why can't I just start with something lighter?" she demanded, her voice a mixture of anger and desperation.

Ulquiorra turned to her, his expression unchanged. "It is the weight that makes the sword. Without it, your swings lack power, your stances falter. Each lift, each swing you find burdensome now is crafting you into a warrior capable of wielding any blade you choose."

"But I'm tired of being hit on the head every time I complain!" Kagura retorted, rubbing the sore spot where the wooden ruler usually landed.

"The ruler is not a punishment, Kagura," Ulquiorra explained, his tone patient. "It is a reminder. Your focus should not be on the discomfort of the moment but on the strength and skill you gain with every repetition. You must learn to embrace the weight, for it is your greatest teacher."

Kagura fell silent, pondering his words. The frustration that had burned so brightly within her began to wane, replaced by a begrudging acceptance. Ulquiorra's calm and steady demeanor in the face of her rage and the wisdom in his words slowly changed the way Kagura viewed her training.

"Alright," she finally said, her voice soft but determined. "I'll try to bear the weight without complaining. Teach me, so I can become strong enough to wield any sword with ease."

Ulquiorra nodded, a hint of approval in his stoic gaze. "Very well. Your journey is long, and the road is difficult, but with perseverance, you will reach heights you never imagined."

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