Trying to escape

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I was immediately greeted by Alberta. And she didn't look too happy. She heard; I'm fired, Rose is expelled. Because we just had to fight because someone couldn't keep their gob shut and told Rose lies and assumptions!
"You'd better sort out that issue with Hathaway or else I'll remove one of those beds and she can force you to sleep on the floor. And make sure you sort it out before any other guardian or stray visitor overhears."
I stared blankly. What was she saying? What exactly did she know? And more importantly, was she behind this room shift? "Yes Petrov."
She nodded then moved past me.

If I was at the Academy I'd resort to the punching bag and the gym in general. But. I kind of wanted to get some enjoyment out of my unofficial time off. Right now I wanted to deal with neither woman. Since when did I have problems with women? More specifically, since when did I feel lost, confused, and smothered by their presence? Since I met Rose Hathaway, that's since when.

I trudged the hallways of the lodge, deciding to simply walk around and explore. Such a Rose thing. Gah! Why does everything have to remind me of her eventually? Maybe if I knew this was what would become of returning the two to school I wouldn't have tried as hard. Immediately, I discarded that thought. I couldn't stand the thought of Rose dying, let alone because I didn't bother to protect her, even if that meant by training her. Again with the whole 'Rose over the Princess' thing! Rose Hathaway, you will be the death of me and the cause of my insanity, I'm sure.

"Dimitri," a voice called, halting my self-induced guilt trip. Except I didn't thank god for the person- the woman- who'd called my name.
"Yes Tasha?" I asked when I turned to face her.

At the sight of Tasha, Rose's words came back, unbidden. It burns to know that someone else can make you happy. It burns to know you can't even care enough to write me two tiny words. ... At least I'm not scampering away, terrified of being a victim to the heart's desires. It was exactly words like that from Rose that made Tasha and her offer more appealing. I would only hurt Rose more by staying. I had to go. Yet I still didn't have the courage to say yes.

"Just thought you'd like to know Rose seems to have scored herself a boyfriend and caught the eye of Adrian Ivashkov," Tasha laughed lightly and linked her arm through mine.
"What! She's got what!" I didn't know if I sounded jealous- which I was, against all logic- or if I sounded like a disappointed mentor.
Tasha laughed. "I saw it earlier, that Mason boy copied Rose doing a lethal run down the slopes- hairpin turns, crazy jumps and all. He badly sprained his ankle, she helped him inside, then they kissed."
"Rose is fine, isn't she? And I'm just going to have to do something about that." I went from frantic to growling. And I meant Ashford's affections, not Rose's unruly behaviour on the slopes as a result of being pissed off at me.
"Yes Dimka, she's fine. She may look small and fragile sometimes, but you've trained her well. She's tough."
"And a smart-ass."

Tasha laughed warmly, her ice-blue eyes radiated her amusement and fondness for Rose. It really was the last thing I needed right now, Tasha being fond of the woman who really held my heart. I wanted her to like Rose, sure, but I also wanted her to take me away. Which wasn't turning out to be at all successful.

"A smart-ass young beauty that's got Adrian Ivashkov's tongue wagging," she teased. I really wanted to hit him now. Both Ivashkov and Ashford.
"That has got to be nipped at the bud," I growled.
"You can't control her or who likes her," Tasha laughed as I noticed we'd entered a rec room full of pool tables. "She's a nice girl. And I don't believe those rumours about her. I can tell she's the type to always stand up for herself."
I huffed. "She may, but that doesn't mean it will ever fix the damage to her reputation."

I thought back to the lounge and Jesse Zeklos incident. Its fallout hadn't been pretty for her at all. He'd still eventually trashed her again and it took Lissa to bring her back from it.

Tasha handed me pool poll and shook her head. "So serious about everything tonight, Dimka. What's gotten you so worked up?"
I sighed. She was my best friend, but how does one say: 'I'm being forced to room with my student, who I nearly took to bed and who owns my heart, and because I wish she didn't I'm trying to go out with you and she knows so we're now fighting'? Simple. You don't.

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