Of gifts and reputations

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"Rose Hathaway! Why did I just trip over a box from Adrian Ivashkov?" I called as I set the huge thing on her bed.
"Get that thing off my bed!" she growled. "And what he wasted his money on is none of your concern."
I raised a brow.
She huffed and threw her hands up in exasperation. "Fine, it's a box of perfumes. Happy?"
"Why did he send you perfumes?"
"Because he thinks he's doing the world a favour by making sure another woman in the world is all the more attractive because they wear the 'right' perfume for them." She didn't need perfume to be attractive.
"Did you? Did you take one?" Was he winning her heart? I doubted it. But then I was doubting whether doubting was smart or not. He seemed to infuriate her, but then again she didn't seem able to just walk away from him.
She crossed her arms defensively. Cute. Very cute. "So what if I did?"
"Rose," I groaned. "He's dangerous, taking one is the equivalent of signing an agreement to sleep with him!" I exclaimed in disbelief. How did she never think of these things?
"He's not that bad!" she defended.
"You don't know him."
"I know him well enough." Ouch! "He isn't as bad as he seems."
"Roza, he didn't get that reputation for nothing."
"If you believe the rumours about him, you might as well believe the ones about me."
"He's a twenty-one year old royal sleaze bag Moroi, Rose. There's a difference."
"Now don't you go feeding me that bullshit, Comrade. You know I'm not like that." Sometimes she made me want to rip my hair out.
"I might, but others don't. I don't trust him or like what he could do to your reputation, Rose. You should be just as wary."
"If I wore it it would change your mind," she warned dangerously.
"Highly unlikely, Rose."
Without another word, she disappeared back into the bathroom. The smell hit me and I was left absolutely stunned. It was going to suit her. When she returned the combination of smells was intoxicating.
"I told you you'd change your mind."

When I went to shower, I peeked at the name. I rolled my eyes and groaned. Fitting... far too fitting.

My bed dipped slightly as someone joined me. I opened my eyes to find a pissed off and vulnerable Rose. "You okay, Roza?" My sleep had thickened my accent but she still understood.
"It's nothing I can't handle."
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "If you say so." I pulled her into my arms regardless.
"I'm not a child, Dimitri," she argued irritably.
"Doesn't stop me from wanting to catch you when you fall," I murmured in Russian. When she calmed and fell back to sleep I scooped her up and moved her back to her own bed.

If they'd shared a room (VA fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now