Reality rings

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A shrill ringing woke me up. What the hell? It wasn't time for training and I was sure Dimitri hadn't set an alarm. If he had I was sure to kick his butt!

Dimitri picked up his phone and uttered a few words while also listening intently. I could discern nothing from his mask and my groggy eyes.

"What was that about?" I demanded.
He whipped his head to mine and searched my eyes. "Go find Lissa- no arguments." His look kept my argument at bay. He was searching me again under that hard, commanding, reprimanding expression. He battled with himself momentarily. "There's been another attack. Drozdov's, two States away. I'm needed in makeshift HQ.. You need to go to Lissa."

He turned to dress and before I rolled out of bed to snap into action, following his lead, I registered just how much it pained him to tell me to go protect her. He wanted to protect me, to protect Lissa and me, but his duty right now dictated he protect the whole lodge and know all the details available. He wanted Lissa to have the best protection available, and right now he considered me the next best option to himself. I didn't even let pride swell within me because the situation was too grave.

"I'll see you soon," I said as we stepped away from the locked door. The guardians were moving around in organised chaos.
Dimitri's eyes betrayed the strength of his emotions. "Rose, don't. Stay with her, stay around your friends."
I squared my shoulders. "She's going to want the details straight from the source. I won't get in the way. You'll see."
"Rose," his worry seeped into my name and his mask fell for a millisecond. "Please don't."
I shook my head. "I saw the last one. I can handle the details of this one."
He sighed in resignation. And acknowledgement he wanted to be too overprotective of me sometimes. "Just don't get in trouble."

"What's going on?" Lissa demanded when I entered the room she was sharing with Camille. The guardian wing of the lodge had been organised chaos, but everywhere else was normal, problematic, frantic, fear-borne chaos.
"Shh. Settle Lissa. Get dressed and I'll fill you in on what I know."
"You had better, Rose," she said as she started grabbing clothes. With Camille in the shower, and Lissa be comfortable in my presence, she changed in front of me. Unlike me, she'd worn underclothes to bed last night.

"Let's go," I tugged her out the door and started telling her what I knew. "Another attack occurred two states away. Drozdovs. We're going to find out what we can straight from admin."
"How do you know so much already? Who on earth are you rooming with?"
"One word: Dimitri."
"Both?" Amusement and confusion slightly distracted her from her fear.
"Both. But no one can know."

"Nice control, Rose," Dimitri praised as I went to step out through the door of my mother's converted room. He'd barely gripped my wrist for a second, but his words alone would have halted me just as effectively.
"Thanks? I'll see you once Lissa here's had enough of me."
"Be prepared to either never see me around or be at my beck and call."
"I'm always at your beck and call." I mentally winced when Dimitri's eyes showed he'd gotten a second message. Lissa thank god didn't notice.
"Bye, Rose," he said with finality and barely-detectable amusement.

If they'd shared a room (VA fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now