Part 26

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Jake's POV

It's currently 10 am, we've all had breakfast except Mattheo.

I'm heading down to the infirmary to give him an apple for breakfast, the halls are quiet with only a few students here and there

It's eerie to see the school like this, it's never like this at 9. It's normally buzzing with life, the halls are packed and fights are happening

But there's none of that, it's like everyone's dead or asleep.

When I enter the infirmary I see Mattheo in bed with my sister. Not naked, like they are hugging.

I make my way over and sit down on the chair.


My sister moves and opens her eyes

"He's sleeping be quiet" she says in a whisper

"Your awake!"

"Yeah I woke up earlier" she says as if it's nothing

I run around the bed and hug her

"I thought I lose you" I say

"Hey, look at me" she says lifting up my face "You will never loose me, I'm here to stay whether you like it or not"

I just hug her

"je t'aime ma soeur"

"Je t'aime aussi, mon frère" she says back to me

Mattheo wakes up and looks at us

"You can speak French?" He asks looking at me

"Of course I can, how do you think I kept in touch with Allie when she was in France" I say

"So you both know French, how come not one of you told me" he says

Me and Allie both laugh


After 5 minutes

"Does madam Promfrey know that your awake?" I ask

"Shit, I was ment to tell her when you woke up" Mattheo says

"It's fine I will go tell her" I say

"See you in a bit" she says to me

"Oh yeah Mattheo here's your Apple" I say throwing it at him

He caught it of course

"Thanks" he says

I walk out of the room and look for madam Promfrey.

"Where are you when I need you" I say under my breath

Someone taps my shoulder, I turn around to see Daph

"Who are you looking for?" She says

"Madam Promfrey" I say

"Why, is everything ok with Allie" she says worried

"Yeah everything's fine, she's awake" I say

"That's great" she says hugging me

"Yeah it really is" I say hugging her back

I find madam Promfrey and tell her that Allie is awake, before I could say anything else she ran down the corridor heading to the infirmary.

She can run?, I never knew that she could run

Allison's POV

Jake runs out of the corridor leaving me and Mattheo to ourselves.

He takes a bite out of his apple, the apple is half red and half green. Bit of a weird apple if you think about it, it couldn't decide what to be so it chose both.

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