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Two sisters.

One is always the watcher,
the other is always the dancer.

One is always the braider,
the other is always the one with braided hair.

One is always the cooker,
the other is always the taste tester.

One is always modeling her clothes,
the other is always cheering her on.

One graduates,
the other shouts in joy for her.

Two sisters.
Two different types of hair.
Two different personality's.
Two different habits.

But they both share the same blood.
Both share their love for one another.

A sister is not only a sibling, but a loyal friend.

Sisters share a bond, no one can bend.
But if the bond breaks, it will mend.

That is why having a sister is so special,
a sister is your biggest fan and
your biggest supporter.

A siblings bond can outlast anything.

Words: 142

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