Chapter Seven

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"Mind if I cut in?"

Bennett looked at Forrest, obviously irritated.

"Actually, yeah. I do mind."

Forrest smirked cockily at him.

"Bud, get the picture. She's not interested in you."

"Is that right? Because she's here with me, ain't she?" Bennet responded, matching Forrest's confidence.

Both men were face to face now, just inches from each other.

"Oh yeah? Was it your name she was moaning last night?"

"Forrest!" I shouted, embarrassed.

Bennett faltered a moment but recovered quickly.

"Well, you must not be doing something right if she keeps running from you. I picked your girl up on the side of the road this morning. Where were you then?"

"Okay, guys—" I tried to pull Bennet away.

Forrest glanced at me before his military buddies had made their way between Bennett and him. They pulled Forrest away and back to the bar to continue carrying on for the night leaving me behind with Bennett.

"So while we're on the subject, what's the deal with you two?"

"He's my ex...husband." I hesitated squeaking out that last bit.

"Ohhh. That makes so much more sense now."


"What the hell are you two doing vacationing together?"

"Bennett, you wouldn't believe me if I told you, I sighed. But it's been a huge coincidence. Anyway, I have to pee. I'll be back."

I headed off in the direction of the bathrooms. I made my way into the ladies room but all the stalls were packed. I was quite literally about ready to pee my pants. I walked out of the ladies room and spotted a single bathroom with an employee's only sign on the outside. Without hesitation, I stormed inside and shut the door behind me, dropping onto the toilet and peeing.

I let out a huge sigh of relief. Once finished washing my hands, I checked my appearance in the mirror and fluffed my hair a little. Without warning, Forrest burst into the bathroom, closed and locked the door behind him.

"Jesus, Forrest! You scared the hell out of me! What are you doing in here?!"

He looked wild. He was breathing heavily and staring me down."Claiming what's mine", he growled, colliding with me and gripping me behind my neck, kissing me aggressively.

The truth is that I should have stopped him. I should have pulled away. But I didn't want to. I met his kisses as he backed me into the counter beside the sink. He turned me around, facing us both towards the large mirror that sat above the counter. He pushed my hair over one shoulder while he kissed and sucked at my neck on the opposite side. He watched us in the mirror as he carried on. His hands slid down to the button on my jean shorts, slowly undoing them and sliding them down my bare bottom. He bent me over the counter top and dropped his pants. His cock brushed my entrance and I gasped in anticipation. He was staring intently into my eyes as he finally entered me and started to fuck me hard and fast.

It was unbelievably erotic watching in the mirror as Forest fucked me. I didn't have to suppress my moans because the band drowned them out. I came only a few minutes into it and Forrest finished soon after. We both got dressed quietly. The only sound being our heavy breathing and the band playing out in the bar. I was getting ready to unlock the door when Forrest stopped me.

"Hazel, wait."

He pulled me back into his arms and kissed me passionately. He rested his forehead on mine. I could still feel his heart pounding through his chest.

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