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(TW ⚠️ brief mention about scars, child abuse after the star race part)


"Been shagging Potter I suppose," Severus Snape snarled into his ear as he walked past his cauldron, sneering at him.

"No, only your mum Snape," he whispered back making sure it was loud enough for Barty and Evan to hear, who sat behind Snape and Mulciber. They snickered and Mulciber coughed as if he found it quite funny as well.

He walked over to Pandora who had been waiting for him, "Where have you been?" she hissed at him, her eyes narrowing suspiciously. Regulus kept his eyes on hers, he looked away sheepishly and hummed to a muggle tune he'd heard a Muggle-born playing in the corridor.

"The Great Hall," he whisper back, keeping his voice as neutral as he could in case Pandora managed to figure him out. But he didn't have anything to hide, did he? Pandora snorted knowing full well she wasn't going to get a full answer out Regulus.

Regulus had got back later than he thought, as soon as he had put down his bag everyone had started packing up, he groaned and picked his bag up again, not worrying about Slughorn seeing as he was his favourite student, "Honestly, Reg! Tell me, please! I won't make fun of whoever you were with I swear!" Pandora begged him, waving her hands about.

"You most certainly will make fun of it, Panda, anyway, it doesn't really matter," he hissed back, standing up and daring himself to look at Pandora's puppy eyes which he can never say no to. Pandora probably thought he had gone and made out with someone, which of course he hadn't, he would never kiss James Potter of all people.

Regulus set off for the common room, not feeling very hungry for Lunch. Pandora looked like she was about to say something but gave up almost instantly, she walked off to get food leaving Regulus by himself again. He dragged himself into his room eventually collapsing on the soft pillows that threatened to flood his bed. He closed his eyes, hoping that he'll get even a little bit of sleep seeing as he hasn't been doing much of that lately.

"What are your intentions towards James?" Regulus jumped what felt like a mile, scared for his life. There lay Sirius, next to him, talking to him, but of course it's about James, it's always been. 'James this, James that, he's so fucking marvellous isn't he, Reg?' Regulus felt his blood boil with anger and his hands curled into fists.

"After everything you come here and ask about James? Of course it's about fucking James your worried about, never me, not anymore. 'James this, James that, James is so brilliant, I just love him!' Not telling your new brother how wonderful I am, are you?" Sirius' face went bright red, his eyes glossed over and his nose twitched, those were signs of confusion, guilt and embarrassment.

"I- I- did I hear you right, did you just say you're fucking James?!" Sirius looked at him, staring, his mouth open. He looked betrayed somehow.

"What the hell! No! You're so arrogant and naïve Sirius! For God's sake. Did you not understand what I just said, Sirius?!" Sirius gulped and nodded, realising that wasn't the right thing to say, he looked down at the covers he was playing with, hiding his watering eyes.

"I didn't mean to-"

"But you did! Because the only person you care about is James and that stupid gang you have, thinking that you're above everyone in this whole fucking world that nothing can hurt you! Well, get it together because it's not true Sirius! Get you head together!"

His mouth opened and closed like a confused fish, it looked rather stupid but this only made Regulus's blood boil more. Regulus pointed to the door, Sirius knowing full well what he meant and Regulus wasn't in the right state of mind to deal with Sirius's pouting and manipulative tactics that Walburga had surely taught him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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