Chapter 2.

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Brittany's Point of View;


I headed to my last day of my first period, which was science. I sat their for a whole 56 minutes of my life bored out of my mind while my teacher was blabbering on about how babies were made.

I sat there doodling in my notebook a bunch of donuts, cupcakes, and other awkward food items. The bell for 2nd period rang knocking me out of my trance. I walked out of the classroom and into the door right next to the science door. Which was history. Uhggg. When will school be over!!!!!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6th Period~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"FIVE.. FOUR.. THREE.. TWO.. ONE.." *Riiiinnnnngggggggg* went the bell for school to be over. We all threw our books and folders in the air and ran out into the hallway. I saw a group form in a circle over by the entrance of the door.

I walked over to see a flash mob of about 10 people dancing to "Booty Work" by Tpain. It was honestly discusting because 7/10 people were girls and they were grinding on the guys and twirking like crazy. It was just disturbing.

I decided to leave the "slut mob" and try to find John out in the front of the school. Of corse, there he was talking to THE Kailey Hackathorne. She was super duper pretty and John has had a crush on her since like, fifth grade.

About 5 minutes of leaning against a brick wall and talking to multiple people, I saw John hug Kailey and kiss her on the cheek and walk back to me.

"Hey, are you ready to go?" John asked

"Uhmm yeah." I said smiling my evil smirk.

"Okay." John replied and just then he grabbed my wrist and started skipping down the blacktop to the car that was parked semi-close to the entrance.

He opened the door for me and I stepped inside.

He ran around to the drivers side, opened the door, and put the keys in the ignition after strapping on his seatbelt.

He put the car in reverse and drove home.

>>>>>>>>>>>>at home<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

John and I walked in the door and got something to eat before we had to dress hip in our caps and gown for our graduation ceremony.

I went upstairs and grabbed my cap and gown from the closet and layer them on the bed as well as jeans and a tank top.

I grabbed a towel and headed to the bathroom for a shower.

--------15 minutes later--------

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in my towel. I walked to my bedroom and started dressing.

I only had on my jeans and tank top on and I went to the bathroom and applied my makeup a little darker than usual for the loads of pictures being taken later

After my makeup, I brushed out my hair and blow dried it then straightened it.

I put my cap and gown on with a pair of my black heels and walked down stairs to see John in dress shoes and his cap and gown on as well. We looked at each other and just stood there for a few minutes staring at eachothers like idiots.

He then decided to break the silence and say "ready?"

I just nodded simply and we walked out the door making sure to lock it behind us. He helped me into the car once again and we drove off to the school.

///////at the school\\\\\\\

Mr. Lewis, the principal, was standing outside of the school building welcoming everyone and telling us what seats to sit in.

"Name?" He asked

"Johnathan Greene" my brother said.

"Okay Mr. Greene. Seat G-12."

"Okay" he looked at me and stood by the door.

"Name?" He asked me as well

"Brittany Greene." I said

"Okay Miss. Greene. Seat G-13."

"Okay. Thank you." I smiled at him and met up with my brother and walked the corridors of the schools until we reached the stage/theater and found our seats.

I was sat by my brother and some guy named Joseph Green. Weirdo.

All of a sudden, our attention turns to the front as the Mr. Lewis starts his speech.

"Welcome seniors. We are all gathered today on May 17, 2013 to graduate you all.... (Yada yada yada.... Speech goes on and on and on)... Now lets hang out the diplomas and meet our graduating class of 2013!"

"Jacob Anthony" he walks up and shook the principals hand and grabbed the diploma and walked off the stage to his seat.

"Belle Azbil." She does the same.

This went on and on until we got to my brother. He stood up and did the same as the rest of the seniors did.

"Brittany Greene." Chants and 'WOOOOOOH's came from all over the room echoing.

I walked up and did the same. Shocks the principals hand and grabbed the diploma from him and walked off the stage and bowed.

About 100 more kids seemed to go up. But the next guy caught my eye.

"Harold Styles." He said.

Harold walked up to the stage and looked me dead in the eye and winked.

I soo wanted to know more about this guy.

I decided to talk to him after the ceremony.

---- after the ceremony ----

I walked up to the Harold guy and said "hey" with a big smile.

"Hey beautiful" he says back with a cute half smirk revealing his dimple on the side of his right cheek.

I blushed and continued the conversation getting his phone number..

"Text me sometime" he said. He winked and walked away.

I shrieked inside and ran to the car pulling out my phone seeing I had a text already.

From: Harold.

"Well hey there gorgeous ;) xx"

I blushed.

Why couldn't I have met Harold earlier?


A/N; well. What do you think?!?! Vote and comment please!! 3 votes for next chapter??(:



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