Chp.4/the great escape pt.2

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I knew laying down rules at dinner would make her dislike me, and in my head, it was a perfect plan. Keep her here to scare her father all without talking to her and start one on one conversations.

The plan was easy yet so simple, but when I saw her in the emerald green dress it made it harder to not talk to her, so I gave her rules. It would be me talking to her without it seeming like I'm interested in what she has to say.

I ate as fast as I could making sure to avoid any other further questions, but it was merely impossible to deny the tension between me and this princess. After a messy dinner, I went back to my bedroom to get myself back on track. I got ready for bed. My day had gone smoothly enough. I got under the covers of my king-sized bed. Nothing could be more perfect, but every time I thought my mind would get still I kept seeing pictures of her face playing in the black void of my brain.

I had turned my bedroom lights on. I needed something to drink. As I walked down the stairs I noticed my castle doors had been left open. I ran to the doors and saw a figure running away. It couldn't be. I couldn't have made her leave given these types of conditions. She could die out there. I put on a jacket I found lying by the door. I would be determined to find her.
The cold was no match for a young girl like her, but for me, I would win this battle against this weather.

My body started to tense, but I wouldn't stop until I knew she was ok, and I only needed to make sure she was alive so that I could use her for what I needed. At least that's what I told myself. I kept going no matter how much pain I felt or how numb my body felt. I started to panic just a little, but as I said, the sole purpose of her being here was at my hand because she could benefit me. The white speckles continuously piled on one another making it harder for me to find her. I was soon about to give up when I saw a shimmer of green. That had to be her.

I ran as fast as my legs would take me and there she was, Cold to the touch. Her face was frozen along with the rest of her body. I brought my ear to her heart. Thank goodness she was alive, but her heart was slowing down, and eventually, she would die if I didn't do anything now.
I picked her up and cradled her into my arms. She wasn't the lightest at the moment but she also wasn't the heaviest. As I made my way back to the castle I could see a slight movement from her.

She nudged her body into my chest. My body warmed up entirely. What was this feeling? I never experienced this, yet my body wanted to remain in this position forever. This is exactly what didn't need to happen. My plan was so simple. I can't mess it up. This can't happen anymore, not with her, not with anyone.
We reached the hospital wing of my castle and I gently put her into a vacant bed while the nurses started to get the equipment to help her.

I stood by her bed as she lays there, eyes heavy, barely any breath left. Her cheeks were pink and purple, as for the rest of her face, the color was as white as the snow outside. My fingers reached down to touch her cheek trying to get the satisfaction of that warmth I once felt from her. My finger almost touches her sweet and innocent face when I remember that this wasn't the plan. I quickly walk away knowing that is all I've ever been best at. I like to say I got that trait from my dear old father, but I can't really blame him. I now know why he was constantly walking away from emotion.

"Sir, what do you want me to tell the young lady when she wakes up?" Mary the nurse that works for me asked

"Tell her one of the guards found her outside and they brought her to the hospital wing" She looked at me confused

"But sir, you brought her- I KNOW THAT" I pause to see how my voice has changed into something that isn't me

"I know what i've done" I continue "but she doesn't need to know. Got it?" she nods her head up and down

In the end |part 1/2|Where stories live. Discover now