Blackmailing- I mean Patronus lessons

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The rest of the holidays passed quickly. The breakup between the Golden Trio was obvious. Ron took every opportunity to criticise Hermione for her decision that costed them the Firebolt. She took to spending time away from them. Ginny and Kella invited her to hang out with us, which got a bit annoying.

But I had other things on my mind. After overhearing a conversation between Harry, Ron and Oliver Wood, the Gryffindor Quidditch team Captain and Keeper, regarding the Dementor problem, and Harry telling Oliver that Professor Lupin was going to teach him how to ward them off, I sought out the wolf.


Professor Lupin was in his office reading a newspaper article about Sirius Black when I came in. "Good evening Peyton. A bit late to be wandering about. Something on your mind?"

"Yes, actually. I heard that you offering lessons to my arsehole of a brother," I said, walking up to him.

Lupin raised an eyebrow. "I am his professor, that is my job."

I nodded. "Yes of course. I am talking about a different lesson type, extra curricular. Warding off Dementors?"

Lupin put the paper down. "Peyton, that is extremely advanced magic. I doubt a second year could achieve it."

I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "I have been able to do wandless magic and control my emotional connection to said magic before I hit double digits. I have studied and can do everything for the next three years of schooling and I just so happen to have a pocketful of silver. Are you sure you can't teach me?"

Lupin looked mildly shocked, and tensed when I pulled out a handful of silver from my robes. "How long have you-"

"That's not the question here Professor. Can you teach me?" I slowly slid the silver across his desk. Lupin's eyes never left the metals for a second.

"Fine," Lupin caved. "I will organise for you and Harry to meet with me on a night that suits you both."

"I have to do it with him?" I raised an eyebrow, sweeping the silver pieces into my hand.

"I don't have time for seperate lessons. Together or not at all, Peyton," Lupin negotiated.

"Fine," I sighed. In the grand scheme of things, a few hours with Harry and not passing out at Dementors was better than the current situation.

"You better be off to the Common Room. It's almost curfew." I smirked and started down the stairs, back into the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom. "And Peyton?" I turned around to look at the man. "You remind me more of your parents everyday. Quite stubborn, they could be."

I grinned, before exiting the class and making my way back to the Dorm Room.

Lupin kept his word, and at eight o'clock on Thursday night I headed to the History of Magic classroom for my first lesson. Harry was already there, and was shocked to see me. "What are you doing here?"

"Same as you. Trying not to pass out," I answered.

Lupin burst through the door carrying a large packing case, which he heaved onto Professor Binn's desk. "Ah good, you both made it," he panted.

"What's that?" Harry asked.

"A Boggart," Lupin said, and I frowned. Boggarts were creatures who became people's greatest fears. Why did we need one?

"Why do we need a Boggart?" I asked.

"Because it is easier than facing a real dementor, and far safer," Lupin stripped his cloak off and faced the trunk. "I've been combing the castle ever since Tuesday, and very luckily, I found this one lurking inside Mr Filch's filing cabinet. It's the nearest we'll get to a real Dementor. The Boggart will turn into a Dementor when he sees Harry, so we'll be able to practise on it. I can store him in my office when we're not using him; there's a cupboard under my desk he'll like."

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