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The bell rang and we got up. I put on my clothes, which was a dirty white shirt and jeans with multiple rips in them.

"Go away homo! We don't want your disease!" They said with a laugh. How I hated them. I wish they'd just go away. I hated being called that, but I was old enough to know it was true.

I kept my head down as I went to the eating room. I saw my brother Cliff with his friends and I knew not to go over there since they didn't like kids younger than them.

So I found my boyfriend, Jason. He hated this place as much as I did and we vowed that once we got away from the orphanage we'd start a ranch and own a lot of horses. Jason absolutely loved horses, I hated them. They were smelly and disgusting and I had no idea why he absolutely adored them.

But of course after breakfast we had to do a our duty. I had to help build since I was considered a 'strong boy' but that wasn't true since I couldn't even face a couple of assholes, I am a pussy, that's what I am.

I helped carry the wood but of course no one wanted to help me. No one wants to help 'the fairy', yeah that's my name around here.

They figured it out after I told my 'best friend' about me and of course he went on to tell the whole orphanage and then he got adopted cause his orange hair and smile was just so cute and adorable and he shouldn't be in a place like this. He deserves to be in prison, everyone knows he killed his parents and he stole alcohol from the wardens room and drank it.

I was able to get a break and I snuck off to our secret meeting place, we'd meet here on breaks or recess or at night if we can sneak out.

I saw him there, his beautiful brown hair that I loved more than anything in the world.

I sat down next to him and I looked at him, he smiled and looked away and I laughed. He'd always get so nervous when it was just me and him, I loved it and I found it absolutely cute. I laid my head on his shoulder smelling his lemon scented shampoo, that we all had but I never got tired of it, not since the first time we met.

He smiled and held my hand. I squeezed it and was half asleep staring at the calm waters, despite all the ugly, the water managed to be beautiful. It flowed neatly across the rocky terrain and it reminded me of Jason. I'd swim in it and I swim in Jason, I look at it and I look at Jason, I think it's beautiful and I think Jason's the most beautiful boy in the world.

We quickly dispersed when we heard footsteps in fear someone followed us here. We weren't supposed to be here but if someone tells anyone that they saw me and Jason here within a close proximity I would run away. The punishment here is just cruel and I don't want that for Jason.

"There you guys are, I figured you'd come here to cuddle." My brother, Cliff, teased.

I sighed in relief just seeing his face. He had that smile on it but it was better than seeing the Warden's face.

"Shit Cliff, you scared the shit out of me." I said punching his leg.

He laughed and sat in between us, which annoyed me to no end.

"Is he being okay? I know he's a dick and absolutely annoying." Cliff said.

"Fuck you." I said with a laugh and pushing him.

Jason laughed and punched my shoulder lightly.

"Yeah he's really annoying, I can't stand him sometimes but I love him." He said.

I smiled, Cliff obviously having to tease my rose colored cheeks.

"When I get out of here, I promise i'll get you guys out. Just one more year." Cliff said. Cliff was 17, pushing 18, and when he turns 18 they'd release him. We came up with a plan for Cliff to get a job and a house and to find a woman so that they can come back and adopted us so we can live a life together.

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