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I was already awake before James but I was just too lazy to move. I felt him stir and he laid his head gently on my chest. I stretched my legs out and my hands rubbed his back. I forgot how well toned his back is and he still had that band-aid on it.

He placed wet kisses on my chest and I squirmed a little at the sensation. His hand found it's way to my hip and he placed kisses up my neck and along my jaw. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his lips eventually found mine. I grabbed the back of his neck and let his tongue dance along mine. We moved our mouths in sync, ignoring the sound of our teeth clacking against each other. His tongue explored my mouth and saliva was dripping from my mouth. I groaned in his mouth as I felt his crotch rub against mine. It was turning me on and I just wanted him to fill me up already. He continued to grind against me and kiss me slowly and softly.

"Please." I whined, he was teasing me at this point. I've been thinking about this for so long and he's just kissing me, ignoring both of our erections.

"Please what?" He teased. I groaned out of frustration and through my head back.

I shoved my hands down his boxers. His dick was as hard as mine and I palmed it gently and looked at him. I bet I look like a slut but I don't care, I want to feel him badly inside me.

He groaned lowly and pulled his boxers down and I lifted mine off. His hand wrapped around my oversensitive tip and I couldn't stop the breathy moans escaping from my mouth.

"Do you need prep?" He asked.

I squirmed and whined, I couldn't think about what he was asking me. Not now.

"I don't know if that's a yes or a no." He said with a seductive low chuckle.

"Fuck- No. Just put it in already." I groaned. Pleasepleasepleaseplease.

He laughed and lifted my leg over his shoulder. I was nervous but then again i've been wanting this for months now. I couldn't tell if he was trying to piss me off by going slow, sure he always hit the right spot with every thrust, but his pace was making me go crazy.

"James can you.. speed up?" I asked struggling to keep my voice straight.

He raised his eyebrow at me and looked at me with a grin, I groaned and buried my head into the pillow as I felt his thrust harder against my prostate. I felt him speed up, finally, and I don't remember what happened. I think I blacked out from the pleasure i'm not sure. I just remember James getting up and going to the bathroom. I watched him as he was at the sink then he walked back with a towel and wiped me down.

"You came like 3 times Kirk, must've felt amazing." James said with a chuckle and blush on his face.

I just mumbled something not sure what just happened. I just remember feeling so good but fuck. I grabbed James's hand, unsure why I did it.

"You alright? You need water?" James asked.

I nodded and sat up. I let go of his hand and James walked out and I tried to find my boxers but they were nowhere to be seen. James came back with a cup and I drank it in about a second. James looked at me with a smile and he took the cup and placed it on the nightstand. He then wrapped his arms around me and laid on my chest causing me to fall back on the bed.

"You might be the best person i've ever met." James said. He moved his hand up to move a curl that was covering my face.

I blushed, that had to be code for something. Right?

"Oh yeah?" I questioned with a laugh.

James laughed too and got up, he stretched and put his hand out for me to grab.

my mechanic (kirkhammettxjameshetfield)Where stories live. Discover now