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I was laying on my couch watching mythbusters when I heard a knock. I didn't feel like getting up so I just yelled that it was open. The door opened and Kirk walked in. I was surprised especially since I was half naked and my hair was a mess.

I sat up and at least put on a random pair of jeans that were laying on the ground next to the couch.

"Sorry to just show up like this, I just wanted to check on you. Oh, and sorry for leaving before you woke up I had to go to work." He said, i'd never get tired of his voice. It just sounded so sweet and full of care. He could talk to me and i'd just fall asleep, that's how calming and sweet his voice was.

"No, no you're good. Thank you." I said sitting back down and patted the spot next to me.

"So, how are you?" He asked joining me on the couch.

"I'm okay, I uh i'm sorry for last night." I said.

His face had confusion on it and he twirled a curl. He seemed to be thinking but then he looked at me.

"Why?" He asked.

I wasn't expecting that, what does he mean why? I cried like a bitch on his shoulder last night, I kept him here just to bitch on his shoulder and he probably had a hard time getting me off of him when he had to go, I probably even made him late.

"Well for crying on your shoulder, probably scared the shit out of you too, and just passing out on you like that." I said picking my fingers.

I saw his hands on mine and he gave me a smile. I blushed, his smile was so sweet. It gave me so much relief, and anxiety at the same time.

"That's nothing to be sorry for, i'm always open to comforting you. You don't have to tell me what it was all about but i'll always be here to talk." He said with a reassuring smile.

I sighed, should I really tell him. I've only told one person and I cried telling her about it. I mean I trusted Kirk that he wouldn't tell anyone that i'm gay but I don't want to feel so vulnerable again. But he did deserve to know if he was going to be my shoulder to cry on.

"Well uhh, when me and my brother were sent to the orphanage I met this boy named Jason and we were really close and we started dating, My brother Cliff knew about it and he made a plan saying that when he got out he would adopt us so we could start our lives together. Jason wanted to have a ranch since he loved horses, I hated horses but I knew I was gonna be happy if he was happy." I said with a smile. I felt tears well in my eyes just thinking about it. Life would've so much better if we got that ranch in the middle of nowhere and just ourselves alone in one big world.

I let out a sad chuckle and Kirk held my hand tighter.

"Well you can guess that that never happened but we would always sneak out to see each other. There were some boys who picked on me cause they knew I was gay but Jason would always stand up to them for me. One day we met in the attic after lights out, Jason didn't want to, but he also proposed the idea of sex and of course I wanted it so I convinced him. There were consequences if you were caught outside of your room and we knew it but it was just us. We were about to fuck when this group of boys 2 years older than us walked in." I said.

I frowned not knowing how I was gonna keep my composure explaining the next parts. I took deep breaths and wiped my eyes a little.

"They we're going to report us and I begged them not to cause I was to scared of what they were gonna do when my brother Cliff ran in. He always knew when we were in danger but this time he couldn't save us. So he offered to put himself in jeopardy to save the both of us. They ran and told the headmaster that Cliff and Jason were both naked on a mattress. So of course they were put in the corner, which is where they throw you in this tiny room in the corner and starve you until they decided your.... your p-punishment." I said trying to force a tear to stay in but it ultimately slipped out.

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