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Y/A: *walk's in house* Y/n, Kevin you home?

Kevin: Yeah?

Y/n: What's up?

Y/A: *sigh* I'm sorry to say but-

Kevin: You have to go to the Amazon to study the blue macaws

Y/n: And you want us to go live with Grandpa Lu and Grandma Willa

Y/A: Okay... So?

Kevin: We already booked a flight to New York

Y/n: And we packed all your things that you'll be needing on the trip

Y/A: Aww *hug's tye 2* thank you guys- wait how did you even know about the trip?

Y/n, Kevin: Malcolm

Y/A: Oh... So when will your flight be leaving?

Kevin: Tomorrow morning

Y/A: So tonight will be our last night together what should we do?

Kevin: Late night swim at Cultus Lake?

Y/A: Sure why not *they chuckles*

(Later that day in a class room in New York the bell had rung and a small turtle neck boy rush to the front of the classroom to switch the name tag saying Farkle)

Cory: Yeah okay *take's Farkle's seat*

Farkle: *roll's up his sleeve* We are all part of a puzzle called history we are each a tiny piece of that puzzle that come's together and makes a picture well you're not going to believe the picture I just found my great grandfather Ginsburg works at a Greenwich Village Cafe. Riley, Lucas what year did your great-grandparents visit New York?

Riley, Lucas: 1961... Whoa

Farkle: I knew it what month?

Riley, Lucas: December

Farkle: Say it again

Riley, Lucas: Whoa

Farkle: And what was the name of the club?

Lucas: Cafe-

Riley: -Hey

Farkle: That's where my great grandfather worked Maya what did you learn about your great-grandmother?

Maya: Nothing my mom said to leave it alone I don't know anything

Farkle: I know you Maya you're not a puzzle to me at all you went behind her back and snooped around didn't you?

Maya: No

Farkle: What did you find?

Maya: No

Farkle: Tell me her name, say it or I will

Maya: *lowly* May Cluttterbucket

Farkle: What?

Maya: *bit louder* I come from a long line of Clutterbickets

Lucas: Oh this is the greatest day of my life

Farkle: All of our relatives met each other on the same night

Riley: Your great grandmother was my great grandmother's friend

Maya: No they never became friends she walked out she left

Riley: And you didn't tell me?

Maya: Tell you what? That I come from people who give up that I am a Clutterbucket?

Cory: Change history

Maya: Excuse me?

Cory: Your relatives didn't realize they would have been off being friends that was a missed opportunity don't let your history be one of missed opportunities learn from the past

Maya: *pull's out a book from inside her desk face Riley* I don't want to be a Clutterbucket

Riley: You're not you're all heart

Farkle: *pulls out Tv* On December 14, 1961 four pieces of a puzzle came together and our lives touched

Cory: How this is history class now everybody? *gained "shh" from his class*

Farkle: Great Grandfather Ginsburg was hard to research because he was never in any of the pictures he took them *connected a USB to the Tv* ladies and gentlemen I have achieved time travel *bows* Thank you *hands in the air* I am Farkle *he goes back to his set as the Tv showed pictures*

Farkle: Great Grandfather Ginsburg was hard to research because he was never in any of the pictures he took them *connected a USB to the Tv* ladies and gentlemen I have achieved time travel *bows* Thank you *hands in the air* I am Farkle *he goes ...

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Darby: Wait who is that? The one between Riley and Maya's great grandmother

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Darby: Wait who is that? The one between Riley and Maya's great grandmother

Riley: That must be Fenrir my great grandmother described her as a free spirit thirst for adventure and her first friend that stayed she had a daughter named Willa after her favorite tree.... The Weeping Willow Tree

Sarah: She look's beautiful

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